The Covention

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The gang were outside standing in a stall full of human trinkets........and plain garbage. King stood on top of the counter, luz and eda were standing behind it with luz reading a book and y/n stood off to the side holding a sign that said "The Super Awesome Human Store". Additionally he had an..... Odd costume

 Odd costume

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Y/n:....... I. hate. everything about this.

Luz&king stifled a laugh as eda got up to explain how y/n wasnt getting screwed over.

Eda: So here's the thing. Mascots get people to buy from that store more

Luz then took a quick look around.

Luz: Um eda..... Theres nothing here.

Eda:........ It's also a very funny prank

V: But Y/n! We look like a super hero!

Y/n: We look like an endangered species but for good reason

While venom and y/n argued, Willow and another child came up to the stall

Luz: Oh willow and Gus! What's up!

Willow: Hi luz! Hi Mr. Y/n!

Gus: Howdy!

Venom then transformed into a white shirt with black sleeves.

Y/n: Hi willow, hello new one

Gus: My names Gus!

Y/n: Is it short for Gustavo? Follow up question is your last name fring?

Gus: Uhhh no and no?

Y/n then put his hand out and Gus shook it

Y/n: Well then nice to meet you!

The duo then discussed a magic job convention called a "Covention" which gave eda a distasteful look

Luz: Eda can we go!

Luz then leaned on eda as she pleaded but eda side stepped and luz fell with an oof sound

Eda: Absolutely not! I never joined a coven and for good reason! You're giving up your magical independence for some corrupt government system!

Willow and Gus looked very uncomfortable and eda felt slightly awkward. Y/n just rolled his eyes

Y/n: Gee! What a great story grandma! You stick it to those governments!

A book them slammed into Y/n's head.

The book dropped and y/n glared at eda while the kids and king giggled slightly. Then out of the corner of his eye y/n noticed someone he needed to see for a long time

Y/n: Hm? Oh, hey emira! 

Emira and what seemed to be a male version of her turned to see y/n in the distance. They ran to each other but y/n had a bit more difficulty

Venomus Spell (Owl House Venom Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now