Chapter 12 S2: Gyutaro

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3rd pov

HIS VOICE, was shakily kind of, the pitch of it went up and down, he was extremely skinny his rib cage was visible, and his hair had a green tint at the end of it.

'She's still alive even though I beheaded her, most importantly who's that guy with her? his reflexes are unreal," Thought Uzui, (Y/n) took notice that he was able to heal his sister.

"They must be connected, somehow guessing the only way to defeat them is to behead them at the same time," (Y/n) said to Uzui who was next to him.

"Alright then, We can't waste any time" Uzui took a position with both his blades wielding behind him.

He lunged toward the demon but was instantly cut on his forehead by sickles.

(Y/n) was able to cut both his arms before he can kill him.

"Hmm, not bad I was going in for the kill you know." He turned to where (Y/n) and Uzui were shocked at his speed.
"But you were able to stop me weren't you? good for you. Really."

He started talking nonsense to Uzui getting jealous of his body and weight, he started scratching himself to the point it left blood coming out.

"Brother wait, he wasn't the only one who was attacking me, kill the ones who burned me to, Kill them!" She started crying from the corner beside Uzui. "Even though I've given it my all, they won't die! They kept bullying me and I can't take it!"

This started to make the "Big brother" angry as he took a fighting stance.

"I think I'm understanding what's happening now and what you did to her, was unforgivable, my sweet little sister was doing her best what she had to work with, and you bullied her!"

"I'll have to massacre everyone who layed a finger on her, So I'll inflict the same pain you put on her When you die those words will ring in your skull,"

"I will show no mercy cause my name is Gyutaro!"

He quickly threw his sickles, one for (Y/n) and the other for Tengan, An massive explosion happened as the sickles came back down towards Gyutaro.

"You're a hero aren't you, I bet their affection for you is miserable," He was scratching his hair, He was a very awkward demon.

"Well yeah, not the brag but I have three-"

He was interrupted by (Y/n) covering his mouth with his katana, while still looking ahead at the demon.

"Anything you say, about him not having will make him angry."

(Y/n) said with his dead e/c colored eyes looking at Gyutaro.

While doing so Gyutaro took notice of (Y/n's) katana that was now near its sheath.

"Wait a minute... that katana l-looks way too familiar, I couldn't n-notice it but that sword of yours isn't normal is it?"

(Y/n) didn't answer as Gyutaro was trying to remember the familiar katana.

Just as he lost focus (Y/n) struck at him with blinding speeds leaving an afterimage at his original spot.

"Moon breathing," (Y/n's) katana grew in expansion in a blink of an eye, "Tenth form, drilling slashes, Moon through bamboo leaves"

Three massive drills appeared before the uppermoon could react taking it fully, It sent him and his sister flying into the other building beside.

"That's a flashy way to handle it! though your katana looks like it was longer than it was." Tengan said.

(Y/n) Only nodded and went to we're the uppermoons we're following behind with Tengan.

The dust was slowly evaporating revealing Daki's belts but it was ball-shaped.

Her belts started to return to her back revealing she was on top of her brother as he was just standing there.

"Call me surprised... so I'm fighting two hashira's how exciting.."

He said while scratching his cheek and slowly walking towards us.

'I'm an hashira level threat?' Y/n thought, in surprise.

Just as (Y/n) was going to strike again Tengan was breathing heavily with a purplish tint on his forehead.

Gyutaro took notice as well and started chuckling.

"What are you laughing about?" Asked Tengan.

"Slowly but surely, the poison affecting you will eventually kill you, this must be embarrassing after all-" He was stopped by Tengan striking the ground with his katana.

And putting his left leg on it.

"You're wrong! look for yourself, I've never felt better! I can devour one hundred of those like nothing!"

Just as he finished his sentence he dashed in front of (Y/n) towards the demon.

"Is he an idiot?" (Y/n) whispered to himself.

He went towards Daki and kicked her towards the ceiling, and sent Gyutaro and few meters back. "Don't you dare lay a finger on my sister," "You scum bag!"

Daki was about to send her belts towards him but was sliced by (Y/n), Before they can do anything else Tengan threw his explosives.

That was hit by one of Daki's belts, Beheading her, Gyutaro managed to dodge them with ease.

As Gyutaro was distracted by Daki Tengan "Extended" his blade towards Gyutaro but the grip wasn't enough.

"I missed my chance to finish him!" Tengan said as he took a different fighting stance toward Gyutaro.

"You... damn you! I'll make you pay for this! I'm always the one being beheaded!" Daki screeched out.

"W-wait a minute, you're o-on to us aren't you big guy, s-slowly but slowly you're coming to your death," Gyutaro said.

"Are you sure about that!? or did you forget about me? Lord Inosuke along with my trusty mini!"

Inosuke came from the broken entrance with Zenitsu beside him.

"Who the hell are these two idiots?"

Just as he said that Tanjiro came jumping down beside (Y/n) with his katana unsheathed.

"Well, Well, talk about a flashy entrance, keep it coming!"


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