A Blind Date

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Phoenix's pov

"girls where exactly are you taking me" I asked nervously as maya and Pearl led me around with a blindfold on. I'd think I was being kidnapped if it wasn't for the girls constant chattering!

"silly mr nick. It's a surprise" pearl said brightly.

"yeah. You don't want to ruin the surprise me and pearly worked so hard on do you?" maya asked.

"I suppose not" I sighed as I continued on in darkness.

"aaaaand we're here" maya happily ripped off the blindfold, revealing a fancy.

"hmm. I'm surprised you two want to eat somewhere so fancy but I suppose it's in my price range" I muttered.

The girls giggled to themselves. I raised an eyebrow. What are they up to-

"detective I'm growing weary of this foolishness. where on earth are you taking me?" 

I froze. I can't be.. I turned around to see Miles with a blindfold on being led around by gumshoe.

"I can't tell you sir. just take a seat and you'll see" gumshoe said firmly.

Miles sighed and took a seat. Gumshoe removed the blindfold and miles immediately did a double take.

"n-nick" he gasped.

"hey" I waved nervously.

"surprised!" maya said brightly "we've set up a blind date for you two. Now you have no excuse not to be honest"

"maya why!" I glared at her. This is the worst idea she could have possibly had!

Miles turned to gumshoe with a glare "I hope you know you're getting your pay cut for this detective"

"for the sake of your happiness sir that's a sacrifice I'm willing to take" gumshoe gave him a salute.

"ok gang let's leave those boys to their date" maya giggled as the three of them ran away.

I turned to him with a nervous smile "Well shall we get started?"

*time skip*

"and then Larry got socked in the face by his girlfriend right in front of me and maya"

"hahaha classic Larry"

The two of us laughed at we shared stories of the past year we've been apart. It was nice to be able to talk to him like this.

"this is nice nick. It almost feels like a real date" miles smiled bashfully.

"Well it could be a real date" I said as I took his hand.

He quickly pulled away.

"oh I'm sorry" I averted my eyes. I should have known he wasn't interested in me. Stupid idiot!

"no don't apologise" my head shot up at his words "I was just surprised. Surprised that you'd really want me in that way"

"of course I do!" I slammed my hands down on the table. Others turned to look at me but my eyes were solely on him "miles I'm in love with you. I have been for a very long time"

To my surprise Miles burst into tears.

"miles!" I stood up worriedly.

"I'm so relieved" he sobbed "I-I thought you wouldn't love me cause I did such awful things in the past"

"miles" I ran over and hugged him "of course I don't hold that against you baby. That was all in the past. Besides compared to the other prosucuters I've gone up against you're practically a saint!"

He giggled at my words. I smiled and kissed the top of his head.

"come on. Let's go home"

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