54. Sparks of Light in The Mist (Sai)

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   We are standing on the vast, wooden platform, staring at the crystal clear, motionless water below us. The God's Eye Lake has always fascinated me with its azure color and the mystery that surrounds it, but for some reason, I have always tried to stay as far from its shore as I could.

   There are many legends about divers who saw incredible wonders in its depths. The myths tell of immeasurable caves, full of gems, each one as big as a building, odd beasts, lurking among the sparkling precious stones and magical sights one can never forget. No one, however, has been able to reach the bottom since few brave men retrieved the six air diamonds. The lake is too deep. Most people will not survive crossing the distance from the surface, down to the underwater caves and back with no air. It is too dangerous and nearly impossible. 

   The water is as transparent as glass, but no matter how long we gaze into the abyss, there is nothing to see but shimmering shades of blue.

   "Serenity is deceptive," Arxia suddenly whispers.

   They crouch to dip their hand in the cold basin. The mirror surface looks as if shuttering into thousands of pieces. The prinx closes their eyes, creating small waves with their fingers. The dazed expression, their hushed voice and trembling lips can mean only one thing. Arx is seeing beyond our reach, into the place where time and space have not yet been formed, but their direction can be predicted.

   We all fall silent and still, straining our ears not to miss a word of the unexpected prophecy. It is so rare that only few have seen it happening. It is said that a prophet can make a true bodement three times in their life at most. This is Arxia's first. I feel so proud of my younger cousin. They are our clan's paragon. Father will be overjoyed to learn this.

   "Silence is the veil that hides the beast under its pleats.

   It is awake.

   The fire ended its peace.

   Rage shall be met by an equal adversary, but not yet, since neither is ready.

   Lovers must be apart, or the beast shall never surrender its treasures.

   It will demand theirs instead.

   Beware of the danger.

   The fear of loss is the greatest menace to the most precious gift."

   Arx slumps in their beloved count's arms with a deep sigh upon uttering the last words.

   "Are you alright, Desert Flower?" Tar asks worriedly, stroking their pale cheek. The prinx looks like a fairy tale vision in their white robes, specially chosen for the heat of the endless sand. "What does all this mean?"

   Arxia shakes their head, smiling faintly. "Prophets only see sparks of light in the mist, darling. We can tell you the possibilities that the future holds, but can't offer ways to change it. The heavy task of solving the riddle lies with the rulers, the priests and the warriors. I dare not give you the answers."

   "I think, the prediction is connected to our current endeavor," I mumble, repeating it again and again in my head. "We can't dive before we understand it."

   "What is there to understand?" Mostal laughs out. "It's more than simple. 'Serenity is deceptive. Silence is the vail...' It obviously means that the water only looks safe and calm, but there is a danger in the depths, a monster. We knew it. That won't stop us. None of us thought it would be easy. Let's go!"

   "You're too impulsive, Your Highness." The First puts her hand on their shoulder. "You will break that beautiful head of yours some day, if you don't learn to think twice before jumping off a cliff."

   "You think I'm beautiful?" Mos grins from ear to ear. "You can say that again, girl, as many times as you want, cause I have absolutely nothing against it."

   "Is that all you heard from everything I said?" she chuckles. 

   "Pretty much yes," Mostal winks. "I just don't care about the rest."

   "Wait," Dey interrupts them excitedly. "I know what it means. Listen, 'It is awake. The fire ended its peace.' In other words, the monster in the depths has sensed Sai's presence." 

   He scratches his head in deep thought and adds, "Then Arx said, 'Rage shall be met by an equal adversary, but not yet, since neither is ready.' The beast must be powerful, perhaps as powerful as Sai. It seems the creature is not happy to meet an opponent. Sai should stay here. He must not dive."

   "What?" I bellow. "No way! If anyone stays here, it will certainly be you."

   "Why?" Dey snorts. "Because I'm pregnant? I told you it wouldn't change anything, and you better not try to convince me otherwise. I'm not going to be pampered as if... as if... For God's sake!"

   "I'm sorry!" I mumble, feeling the heat of my flushed cheeks. This is the first time Dey raises his voice at me and I definitely don't like it. "I didn't mean it this way... I... "

   "No, don't apologize. I should be sorry, Moon Ray." Dey pulls me in a hug and presses his lips to my forehead. "We both need time to get used to this. Just don't worry, ok?"

   "Guys, let's calm down. It's quite clear. 'Lovers must be apart.' One of you stays here. No doubt about it." Tar steps closer, gazing at me apologetically. "It's you, prince Sai. We can all agree that you should not face the beast right now. The prophecy is unambiguous."

   "No," I yell. "I am not letting Dey dive without me. Stay out of this, Tar. Do not challenge me."

   "You are staying ashore," Tar says firmly, standing between me and the water. "I swore to my commander once that I would protect you at all cost. I will keep my promise or die trying."

   "Move away, count Tarsarian," I growl, grabbing the handle of my sword. The blood is warming up in my veins. The force is rising again. "You are no match to me. Step aside! Dey is going nowhere without me."

   "Sai!" I feel my spouse's arms wrap around me from behind. His cool cheek is rubbing against mine. "Relax, Moon Rey! Tar only wants to protect us. Don't let the anger overwhelm you. I will be safe. I promise. Can't you see it? 'Lovers must be apart, or the beast shall never surrender its treasures. It will demand theirs instead.' Our child will be in great danger, if we dive together. I must go alone."

   "But I am so worried," I protest.

   "I know," Dey kisses my shoulder soothingly. "You'll have to trust me again. Arxia foresaw this. 'The fear of loss is the greatest menace to the most precious gift.' You must fight your fear, Moon Ray. You are not going to lose us."

   "I'll bring them back safe and sound." Tar kneels in front of me and kisses the hem of my shirt. "I swear, Sola. Dey is my best friend, my commander, my prince. The world needs him and the child he's carrying. If something goes wrong, I'll make sure they survive."

   "I'll kill you if you die," I squint at my spouse, making him burst into laughter.

   "Yeah, yeah," Mostal groans, pulling Dey by the sleeve. "Enough drama. Are we diving at last?"


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Hello at the end of chapter 54!

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Love: Anny  

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