Chapter 5

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Ryder's POV

The next morning I go looking for food again not knowing my mate was already on the hunt for me on the mountain, I find a good-sized buck and decide he will do for breakfast and I slow creep up trying to walk lightly as possible, only to hear the sound of other dragons flying over and I quickly hide sifting to my human form hoping that I go unnoticed. I stay hidden sadly losing the buck, Part of me wants to fly to the top and let them find me, but part of me wants to hide and not get found, I sigh softly and walk under cover of the trees not thinking the wolves get involved since Ace pulled them from the guard, and rejected me. Soon though I hear running throw the woods heading my way my set was all over the area as I make a break for my cave hoping to get to my cave since I can't fly away just hoping that somehow they miss me. Sadly they catch my scent and start to run faster, then I hear a howl it makes Pendragon stir and I know he's close I shift without thought and turn to the wolves that chased after me only for them to stop and bow in submission. Then I hear someone coming from the side and turn to look first I see Mason with a robe, "Ryder you need to shift back." He says to me and I let out a low rumble. Before I see him I smell his wonderful scent of wood-burning with a hint of fresh rain, and my desire and need for him just starts to overwhelm me, I shift back and mason puts the robe on me just as Ace comes into sight, the pain of his rejection comes back as I see his tears fill my eyes, just as I am about to close my eyes they land on a refection of the sun off the silver pendant that hangs around Ace's neck and just for a moment it feels like I might not cry.


Its been a long morning we started looking at dawn, my scouts found him first hunting, then he took off he either smelled them or heard them, he got to a cave when he stopped and turned to them, mason and I was close by I howled to let them know and to get my mates attention. It worked for the most part they stopped and submitted to Ryder, as King and Luna of the pack. As I came around I started to smell the most wonderful scent that made Night want to run to his mate. The scent of apple wood-burning and honeysuckle. I walk around after hearing the sounds of someone shifting, to see my mate in a normal robe, I see tears in his eyes as to looks at me only to stop seeing my necklace. At the moment our eyes lock again everything seems to stand still and I feel myself walking toward Ryder,  he slowly walks toward me his eyes flash between his and his dragon. We stop in front of each other, we are almost the same height, I slowly reach out to his hand and he reaches for mine. As our hands come together I feel the same spark as when we bumped into each other, I see in Ryder's eyes he feels it as well. I feel our bond returning and start to lean in to kiss him.


 I feel our hands come together I feel our bond slowly start to get stronger and watch as Ace closes his eyes leaning in to kiss and on its own accord my body does the same and I don't want to fight it but I force myself to stop and pull back-breaking contact with Ace. "Ii can't yet Ace...I want to so badly but I can't here, we have to talk about this..and see if we can mind this bond right." I look at him not sure how he would react or how those around us would. "I am sorry Ace." He looks at me hurt but nods and others around us start to walk away from other dragons now landing and Mason comes to me."We have to get you back to the palace, the advisors and council need you back, and the kingdom is wanting to know what happened yesterday." I nod softly and look at Ace. "they will but first and my mate need to talk alone." I say looking at everyone."That can be done at the castle let's go," Mason says as everyone starts to leave. 

(Sorry for the short chapter but I am at a block with it at the moment, feel free to comment or vote it would mean a lot to me thank you for reading what I have so far on this book)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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