~Hogwarts P2 (Sokeefe)~ (HP crossover)

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Part two is here!!!



✩Sophie's POV✩

The morning sun filled the dorm room with sunlight, awaking the other witches to get ready for their day. As soon as my brown eyes met the light of the early morning, they closed and I buried my face further into the covers.

"Sophie, you might wanna get ready," Marella said, wrapping her Gryffindor scarf around her neck tightly.

"Fine," I grumbled, rolling myself out of bed tiredly. Why was I even doing that made me so tired?

My mind flashed back to the midnight with that Gryffindor boy with the blonde hair. Keefe, right? My blurry mind was too new to the day to remember names of cute guys I met last night, so instead of trying, I brushed my teeth and combed my hair into a low ponytail. There were major bags under my eyes, but it wasn't like I could hide them with anything, so I shrugged and walked out of the bathroom to let Maruca have her turn.

As I flopped back onto my bed and gazed at the canopy of the red and gold four-poster bed, I couldn't stop thinking about my last encounter with the Gryffindor boy. I then remembered one of the last things he said to me before I hurried back to my room.

His words replayed over and over again in my head like a broken record.

"But as long as you come back..."

Did he really want me to come back? Did I want to come back?

I pushed the thoughts out of my mind and pushed myself into the clamoring crowd of witches and wizards shoving each other out of the way to get to the Great Hall for breakfast. Piles of syrup coated pancakes scattered the long Gryffindor table, paired with small plates of butter and tall mountains of croissants and chocolate chip cookies.

I filled my plate with as many things as I could, following the demands of my growling stomach that was annoyed at me for skipping dinner last night. I tried to avoid the boys side of the table for obvious Keefe related reasons I didn't feel like unpacking.

"Where were you last night?" Marella whispered to me through a mouthful of bacon.

"Oh, the bathroom," I answered.

"I was going to the bathroom when I saw your empty bed," Marella said as my face paled to a chalk white color.

"Fine," I gritted my teeth. "I snuck out."

"Oooh, new girl has some spice!" Marella giggled. "Where'd you go?"

"I just was wandering around the halls when I met this guy named..."

Marella's eyes sparkled with glee as I mentioned the word "guy". "A guy, you say? Who?"

"His name is Keefe Sencen," I said quietly, turning away to hide my blush as Marella's eyes shined with delight.

"Oh my god, you talked to Keefe Sencen? Alone?" Marella whispered. I nodded with embarrassment.

"I'm so jealous," Marella muttered as the prodigies put down their food to go to their morning classes.

"What'd you get for first period?" Marella asked me.

"Sir Conley, WD?" I asked, squinting at the two letters on the page of my schedule.

"I think that means Wizard Dueling," Marella explained. "You stay in the Great Hall for that, I think."

Oh, god. Dueling didn't sound so great when I just ate enough food to feed an elephant. My stomach swirled disapprovingly at the thoughts bubbling up into my brain of me fighting other kids.

"It's not like you're gonna be killing anyone, although that would be an awesome class," Marella said, as if she knew what I was thinking. "You'll just practice a little self defense. Now I do have to go to Potions class, good luck!"

Marella skipped off with a chipper bounce in her step, weirdly excited for her first day of Hogwarts classes. I, on the other hand, wasn't so optimistic. Nevertheless, I took a deep breath and waited in the Great Hall as the number of kids slowly decreased, the result of Magnate Leto's intimidating threat to give any kids late to their classes detention.

I hastily tore my eyes down to the floor as soon as I spotted any guy with blonde hair or ice blue eyes until a man with pale blonde hair to his shoulders, olive skin, and dark blue eyes with an ancient glimmer in his eyes shushed the crowd of wizards.

"Welcome to WD, children. I am Sir Tiergan, and today we will be practicing the proper etiquette of a wizards' duel. Would anyone like to demonstrate?"

A familiar blonde boy with his arm around the teal-eyed boy, Fitz, that brought me to Hogwarts with the help of his father Alden, raised his arm that wasn't wrapped around Fitz confidently in the air. I tore my gaze off of him as his ice blue eyes looked his fellow prodigies, hoping he wouldn't recognize me. Thankfully, he didn't.

Keefe stepped up to Tiergan, his eyes shining with a confidence I could only dream of acquiring. "First you must, as a sign of respect, face your opponent and bow."

Tiergan smiled at Keefe with pride. "Correct, Mr. Sencen. Now, we need another volunteer to duel this young man. Any takers?"

Sir Tiergan's eyes landed on mine just as I realized everyone around me stepped back to avoid the task. "Yes, Ms. Foster?"

I meekly nodded, stepping up to the table Keefe and Tiergan were standing on, their shoes over a long dark red tablecloth. Taking my wand out of my jacket with my shaking hand, I looked Keefe into his ice blue eyes and saw a tiny gleam of satisfaction spark in them when he realized that I was the girl who snuck out at midnight.

"Wands ready!" Tiergan ordered, placing my arms in the right position while doing the same for Keefe.

"Three..." Tiergan announced as Keefe smirked at me arrogantly, probably noticing something I was already doing wrong.

"Two..." Tiergan yelled as I glared at him with determination. That would show him, if I knocked his smug grin off his face like I would knock his wand out of his hand.

"One!" Tiergan shouted, as a burst of electrifying white light exploded from my wand, zooming toward the ice blue blast of lightning from Keefe.

The blasts of light collided, making a BOOM! sound, and everything faded to black.

𝓂𝒾𝒹𝓃𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉 𝓁𝑜𝓋𝑒 (𝒶 𝓀𝑜𝓉𝓁𝒸 𝑜𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒽𝑜𝓉𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀)Where stories live. Discover now