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Tw: Alcohol
Ally quickly changed into a short lace top and blue jeans. She went out of her room and saw Steve and Eddie, leaning against the wall in front of her bedroom.

"Woah, Craver you looking fine as hell" Steve said while checking her out. Ally slightly blushed and said "Thank you, handsome" Steve winked at her. She looked over to Eddie and saw that he was staring at her.

"So you got the stuff?" she asked "Yup. Everything's in my car. The party's starting at 9. That means we have 1 hour left" Steve said chilled. "Are you fucking kidding me??! One hour! That's not enough Steve" she literally screamed. "Calm down you brat." Eddie said "Absolutely not. You freak" she screamed at him. "Come on Ed let's get the stuff, or either Mrs. Carver's gonna kill us" Steve said while laughing. The comment from Steve made Eddie laugh too.

Eddie checked her out one last time and then he and Steve went downstairs to his car, to get the stuff.

*2 hours passed*

Billy, Ally, Steve, Nancy, Robin, Eddie, Jason and a few other people sat on the couch together. Ally sat on Billy's lap, and his hand was resting on her thigh. Everybody was curious about, what was going on between them but no one dared to ask. From time to time Billy whispered stuff into Ally's ear which made her giggle. The sight of Billy and Ally together drove Eddie and Steve crazy. It was obvious that Steve liked Ally, but what was Eddies problem.

She looked over to Eddie a few times and saw that his eyes were fixed on Billy's hand on her thigh. She wanted to know what his problem was, but she also didn't want to ruin the whole party.

"Why is the freak here Harrington?" Jason asked
"Calm down Jason he's cool" Steve said calmly. Eddie and Jason looked at each other for a few seconds. "If he dares to touch Ally again, I'm gonna kill him, just that you know" Jason said while taking a sip of his drink.

Billy looked up to Ally with a questioning face. "I'll tell you later" she wispernd into his ear.

"I wouldn't want to touch a slut, so don't worry" Eddie said while taking a sip. "Ouhhhhhhhh"
"What did you just call me ?" Ally wanted to get up and punch him but Billy pulled her back, onto his lap. "Hey, hey just ignore him, he's probably just drunk" Billy said trying to calm her down.

"Okay, okay guys let's just play a game, maybe that'll lift the mood " Steve said while he grabbed an empty beer bottle. "We are playing truth or dare. But let's spice it up a little bit. If you take truth in the first round, you have to take dare in the second. And if you don't want to answer the truth you have to drink a shot, but if you don't want to do the dare you have to kiss somebody . And the person which spins the bottle decides who you have to kiss. So who wants to start ?" He asked curious while looking through the group.

"I'm gonna start" Jason said. He took the bottle and spun it. It landed on Steve. "Truth or dare" Jason asked. "Dare" Steve said while smirking. "Okay ummmm, I dare you to kiss Nancy" Jason said while laughing.

Steve got up, walked over to Nancy sat down beside her and kissed her. The kiss was intense and deep. His hand traveled down to her thigh and rested there. "I didn't say that you should eat her, Harrington" Jason said while laughing. Steve pulled away and smirked. Nancys lipstick was smudged and her lips were slightly swollen.

Steve spun the bottle and it landed on Billy. "Truth or dare" he asked while he put his arm over Nancy's shoulder. "Truth" Billy said with a big grin. Steve dared to ask what everybody wanted to know. "What's going on between you and Ally?". Everybody looked over to Ally and Billy. They both were in the spotlight, and it even caught Eddies attention. He sat up straight and looked at them with curious eyes.

Billy looked up to Ally and smiled at her. His grip on her thigh tightened. He took a shot lifted it up to his lips and drank it . "Not tonight Harrington" Billy said with a big smirk.

Billy spun the bottle, and it landed on Steve again. "Truth" he said while taking a sip of his drink . "Did you ever jerk of on somebody, in this room?" Billy asked curious.

"Yup" Steve said chilled. He looked over to Ally, he thought that no one noticed it, but he was wrong Ally did and she immediately knew. He then spun the bottle. It seemed like it spun for hours and then, it landed on Ally.

A big devilish grin grew on Steve's face. "Truth or dare Ally?" he asked. "I take truth"

AHHHHHH THAT WAS THE 4th CHAPTER. I can't wait for you guys to read the 5th chapter. I hope you liked this chapter and I wanted to thank you guys for 300 reads. It's incredible.
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