The Whole Goddamn Story-

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"When a wolf turns 17, they get to find their mate." Today is my 17th birthday, and will my dream come true? Once I went into the school, I saw Elijah Woods saying goodbye to his girlfriend of three years: Rose Bell. She was gorgeous. with her long blonde hair and vibrant green eyes. I accidentally bumped into him. After the person who saved me helped me steady my feet, I hesitantly opened my eyes. My breath got stuck in my throat as my gaze was met by a pair of beautiful brown eyes. I don't know who I thought my mate could be, but I certainly didn't even consider Elijah Woods to be my mate. Another thing I didn't expect was the look of pity that was in his eyes.

He let out a sigh before dropping his hand from me to run it through his sandy brown hair.

"We need to talk," he said, motioning for me to follow him.

I nodded and silently followed while keeping my head down. I knew why he pitied me, I'd pity me too if I were him. It didn't take long until we were once again outside. He took us away from any questioning eyes and ears before turning towards me once more.

"What's your name?" he asked after a few moments.

"Raine, Raine Andrews." I answered with my head still focused on my feet.

He let out another sigh. A sigh full of pity towards me. "Please look at me, Raine."

I looked at him preparing for what he was gonna say. He took in my features for a few moments. Almost as if he was trying to predict how I would react to what he was gonna say. I should have known that my one wish would get twisted. I should have expected this to happen when I found him. But for some reason, some reason I hoped I'd finally be happy.

"I'm sorry, Raine. I know that since we're mates, we should be together, but-"

I didn't let him finish "But you're in love with Rose. You want to be with her. I understand."

He stepped forward and made an attempt to place what he thought would be a comforting hand on my shoulder, but I took a step back. Hurt washed over his face before being replaced by pity once more.

"I'm sorry, I really am," he said again.

I took a deep breath before responding. "Don't be, it's okay. I understand, you've loved her for three years now."

He let out another sigh before nodding. I let out a little disappointed laugh.

""You don't want me. Don't worry, I get it," I said, tears threatening to escape.

He went to say something, but I again interrupted him. "Can you just do me a favor?" I asked, as a single tear rolled down my cheek. He went to wipe it away but decided against it.

"Sure... what is it?" he asked, taking a step back.

"Don't reject me until tomorrow, please?"


"Thank you. I shouldn't keep from your class, excuse me," I said, walking away from him.

After my encounter with Elijah, I didn't really feel up to staying at school. Unfortunately, the universe hated me today because pretty soon after I left the office, I was surrounded by a group of guys and girls. They looked like they wanted to hurt me. It wasn't soon after that they all closed in around me, punching and kicking at any part of me they could. After someone got in a hard kick to my stomach, I started to taste the metallic flavor of blood.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE!?" someone yelled, and whoever it was, they radiated power. All the kicks and punches came to a screeching halt and I took the chance to cough out some of the blood that had invaded my mouth.

"Back away from her," the mystery person said.

"But Al-"

"NOW!" he demanded.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 13, 2022 ⏰

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