[001] - a private conversation

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Nayeli Madris was strangely peculiar. Ever since she was a child, she craved to understand everything and everyone. Her parents were enthusiastic about it, encouraging her with potion creations and poetry. The poetry was her favorite part. It fascinated her in ways she couldn't comprehend. And if she were to state an opinion on it, she would say it's one of the most beautiful things in the world. At the age of 16, she still found it incredible. Those stanzas had gotten her through all the school years in Hogwarts, which were tedious if asked.

Now that she was starting her 6th year, everything became hooked with deprivation. She found the world looking at her in anticipation, sacred in psalms and writings. With its swift compromise, award to be no notion. There would be war. Indications led only to fathom the terrible, broad, and stationed. It was stagnant, set in stone for the world to see. A prophecy etched from Seer. No one had a clue as to what it was, dipped in absolution. There would be no sins, only pain. 

Dipped into the back of a leather-bound cream-colored seating was Nayeli Madris. Her curls feathered across her delicate shoulders with grace and beauty, rimming her eyelashes. She traced the lines of the poetry in hand. The thin paperback copy of  'Songs of Innocence and of Experience' had interested her. Although out of kindness for her mother's gift, she decided to read it thoroughly. It was a book she had bought on her trip to the Americas. Nayeli loved it and made sure her mother knew. Her father, on the other hand, was a worker for the Ministry. The duty of being one meant never having time to spend with your family. At least Nayeli had considered it that way. Caelus, her older brother, was the enthusiastic kind. Well, he was very blue. He had told her that their father was just a busy man and would come back when he had the time.

     "How can you read a new book every day?" Caelus sat in front of her in his yellow robes. She paid no mind to the boy in front of her. "Yeli, are you there?"

     "No, Caelus." She bluntly stated. "I'm clearly at home with mum burning the kitchen." Caelus gave her an unamused stare. "Now that I think about it, it has happened before..."

     "I remember you crying while running into my bedroom." Caelus stifled a laugh. "If you could've seen yourself at that moment, dreadful, I tell you." Nayeli rolled her eyes.

Caelus was always the first person to humble her. Their relationship had always been that way. If she were allowed, she would send ten hexes so he could have a taste of his own medicine.

     "Don't you have some Gryffindor to fawn over?" Nayeli closed the book she was reading. Caelus's brown eyes bored into hers. She crossed her arms as he crossed his, mimicking any movements. "Is this a staring contest?"

     "It is." Caelus's gaze didn't falter. "How do you know about the Gryffindor?" Nayeli wanted to roll her eyes, but due to the staring contest, she couldn't.

     "Rumors go around." She muttered. "And as your wonderful younger sister, I must defend you." Caelus blinked.

     "Do you know who it is?" Caelus questioned with a wary tone. Nayeli shook her head promptly. He heaved out a sigh. "Good. I would bury myself if anyone found out."

     "Aren't you a bit blue today?" She smirked. "By the way, you lost." Caelus scoffed while leaning his head against the wall. "But do tell, who is it?"

     "Like I would ever tell you." He mumbled. Nayeli gave him a look of pleading. "Don't give me that look; you know how difficult it is to resist." She continued to stare at him with the same glint in her eyes. "Okay, fine. You won me over this time."

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