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I opened my eyes after all the torment passed away. I was in a cave with a natural spring. Some light filtered in through the gaps in the roof telling we are high and near the surface of the hills or mountains. The last thing I remember was the bone deep pain in my back which is now normal but I did felt a warm ache. The water was crystal clear with a light steam raising of its surface. I felt a weight around my eyes look beside me to find Jai snuggled into. His arms tightly around my waist. His body over me in a way as if trying to protect me from unknown danger. I looked down at my cloths. My original shirt and pants long gone. I was dressed in a loose tunic and loose pants. Loose enough to allow movement of air to my skin which is considerably hot considering the snow outside.

"How are you feeling ?" I heard Jai ask as I had suffered a great deal. "What happened to me and Why are we here ?" I heard myself ask. My voice soft and timid not at all like my usual. "Your transition." He said looking into my eyes. "My what ?" I arched my eyebrow. "It's a secret among royals. Every future prince have powers bestoned to us passed by our father's or mother's bloodline but they only mature at the time of great calamity. The last time this powers are found maybe hundreds of years back. In your 's generation. All the following generations showed them at some point of their life. But they suddenly flared up in this generation again. Daneil, Xavier, Rudra, Raj they all have powers." He tried to explain but it confused me even more.

"Why I never saw any documentation of this and you said Prince but I am a Princess." I asked. He looked at me grimly. "It is passed down orally along with the throne. Your father is still ruling or maybe you are a girl that's why he didn't told you." He explained and I nodded. "It means we are gonna be in a war soon." I stated as his explanation settled in my mind. "We are and I don't think any of us is escaping unscathed." He said leaning back on the stone slab. "Where is Xavier ?" I asked he looked at me. "I think Amrita and Saranya must give us some answers." He mumbled. His not giving them titles got my attention. "After we our transition we are considered par with our parents and elders. We won't have to give them respect or call them by any relation." He explained as if sensing my doubt. "We must leave." I said getting up. "We must." He said slipping his hand inside mine and stepping out of the cave system.

Hey lovelies,
                    The Prologue of my third story A TALE FROM THE PAGES OF PAST is finally out.

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