♠︎▪︎▪︎•°Chapter 33°•▪︎▪︎♠︎

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It went on for around a week until they decided it was best to move to the main BoneClan camp.

Rielle was tied up and lead on a donkey. Her captors rode great big horses and towered over her.

Her donkey was tethered to Kyles' horse.

Her bum was sore without a saddle and her throat dry without water. But she didn't utter a word. She had told them too much about the Rangers and she felt extremely guilty. No matter how many times she tried to resist and keep her mouth shut, they would hit harder. Making it impossible to resist.

The day of traveling went by slowly and painfully.

Her back was striped with wounds, they would start to heal, and then a new set would replace them.

She couldn't sit up straight it hurt so bad.

When they reached the main BoneClan camp, she was so delirious and weary she could hardly keep herself upright on the donkey.

They rode into the camp, it was surrounded by cliffs and mountains, the rocky terrain was grey and mossy. Small ferns and plants sprung up through cracks in the stone.

A creek ran through the center of camp, tents were strewn all throughout. A few caves dotted the sides of the cliffs.

Rielle looked around and saw many Boneclan members going about they're day. A few pointed her out to one another, whispering among themselves.

All of the sudden she was roughly yanked from her donkey. She tried to stay on her feet as she was dragged towards the cliff side.

"Wait! Kyles don't!" She pleaded. But Kyles ignored her and threw her into the cave.

Hit the ground and lay there dazed for a moment.

"Seal it" Kyles ordered.

Rielle tried to crawl forward to reason with him, but a loud grinding sound made her stop.

She watched in horror and a large stone began to roll in front of the cave entrance.

The light slowly began to disappear.

"Kyles!" She screamed. They can't just leave me in here!

Through the last bit of the opening she saw Omen's smug smile as he waved to her.

Then opening was sealed. And Rielle was left the darkness.


A figure lay on the edge of a cliff. Watching the camp and its inhabitants prepare for nightfall.

This would be a difficult nut to crack.

A noise behind him alerted him. He slowly turned his head. Watching the trees for movement, he waited.

After a few breaths, he heard it.

Eastons meadowlark impersonation. It was safe gaurd. To make sure they weren't being approached by a BoneClan assassin.

Keith rolled away from the cliff face. He didn't want the boneclan camp to see him standing silhouetted against the moon.

Once he judged he was far enough from the edge, he rose to his feet and disappeared into the forest.

He found Easton and Anya waiting in tense silence.

"Did you find anything worth noting?" Keith asked.

He saw Easton opened his mouth to speak but Anya jumped in with excitement.

"We found a dam! Its holding back a huge lake!" She exclaimed.

Keith cursed under his breath and looked over his shoulder.

"Quiet! They'll hear you" he hissed sharply.

Her smile died, and she nodded sullenly.

With a nod to Easton, the boy continued in a quieter tone.

"The dam is made up of logs, it was man made, not by beavers. The logs are straight up and down and pounded into the ground. They put thick mud in the cracks to keep water from leaking out. But there is a small opening in the bottom that kest out enough water to make the stream" Easton stated.

Keith was silent as he thought.

He remembered the camps layout, everything was set up halfhazardly in case of the need to move camp in short notice.

Which means...

"There's simply too many men down there. We can't take them all on" started Keith.

Anya looked confused.

"We're going to break the dam, it should wash away the whole camp and everyone in it" Keith figured.

The two youngers exchanged a surprised glance.

"How would we do that?" Anya asked. Her eyes sparkling with excitement.

Easton looked a bit more hesitant.

"If we had the horses I bet we could rig up some grappling hooks and strap them to the saddles and pull the dam down" Easton suggested.

Keith immediately shook his head.

"We left the horses in the village" Keith said. He pulled his sax knife from his scabbard.

"We'll crack the mud between the posts. With pressure of the lake on it, it should burst open".

"Easton, you stay here and watch their camp-

"He's not coming with us?" Anya asked. She looked rather grieved at that.

Keith made an annoyed grunt and put his hands on his hips. This girl was starting to get on his nerves.

But she'd be better use at the dam.

"He's a better watch then you. And your the one with a dagger" Keith reasoned.

Anya sighed and nodded begrudgingly.

Keith's eyes lingered on Anya, would Rielle have complained? Would she be excited to destroy the dam? He wish she were here.


The boy turned to Keith with a solem face.

"If you see anyone leave the camp, come tell me immediately" said Keith.

"Yes Keith" Easton agreed.

Without another thought, Keith turned to Anya.

He held his hand out for her to take thr lead.

She walked past him without a word.


So. I said I wouldn't update this story for a while. But then...I got some ideas for what I wanted to do. And let me tell you. Things are about to go down.

Well have a good day/night!


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