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"Educational Decree 31"


I suck in my breath, standing stiffly at the door. My legs don't want to move. Why won't they move? Draco aims his wand at the open door and slams it shut with an incantation. I haven't seen him since we had sex in that classroom. It's only been three days, but things already seem like they're changing. It feels tense being alone with him.

"How long have you been in here?" I ask, forcing my feet to take a few steps towards him.

"About an hour," he says, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning against the wall next to my four-poster. He crosses his legs at the ankles and bites the insides of his cheeks like he has something to say. I can't help but think of what he was doing while he was waiting for me. Was he going through my drawers? Sifting through my book shelf? Tampering with something? Merlin, there're so many things he could have done.

"Where were you?" He asks with worry, his eyes focusing completely on me.

It's none of your concern, Malfoy.

"Harry's dorm."

He runs two frustrated hands through his hair and holds them at the back of his head. "And what the fuck were you doing over there?"

"Does it matter?" My words are flat, though I'm completely panicking on the inside. Why is he here?

He stares at me like it was the thickest question that could have come out of someone's mouth. His eyes are drilling into mine, practically demanding a real answer. I give it to him.

"We were talking about Dumbledore's departure," I say at last.

He laughs, though I've said nothing funny. "You were in Potter's dorm, alone with him, for over an hour and you expect me to believe you were talking about Dumbledore?"

My eyes narrow to slits, disbelieving of his stupidity. "Yeah, what did you think was happening? Ginny and Dean came by too, not that it should matter to you anyway."

He laughs again, but this time anger is creeping up on him and he's trying so hard to keep it in. What did he have to be angry about? Nothing happened. Nothing was going to happen. It wasn't even a minuscule thought. His expression turns stone cold as he walks up to me, invading everything. His lips are inches from mine and if either of us lean in any closer we would be snogging. He clenches his jaw.

"Did he touch you? Did you fuck him, Adams?"

My eyes bulge. "No! Of course not." I stride past him, bumping into his shoulder. I pull out a random textbook from my book shelf just to occupy my hands — something to make things less awkward. "Why did you come in here?" My eyes are somewhere other than him.

"To see you."

"What for?" I'm sifting through the pages now, trying my best to not sneak a glance at him.

He walks close to me and pulls the book out of my hands to focus my attention on him. He stares at me without saying anything, but his eyes are saying so much. Look at me. They say. Stop making me want you. Stop doing these things to me. But he disregards my question and the words coming from his mouth are sending chills down the length of my spine.

"Incase you haven't noticed, Adams, I don't share... ever. You let me touch you, which makes you mine. If I see Potter, or Weasley, or anyone else get in the way of that I will kill them with my bare hands. I already have a list starting with your father. Don't think for a second that I've forgotten what he did to you." His words are bitter and cruel and as much as I should hate him for the things he's saying, I don't. He's too possessive for his own good but it makes my knees weak that he's bleeding that possessiveness onto me. You let me touch you, which makes you mine.

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