Paint Strokes.

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Y/n's POV-

Once again, the heavens above cry out. Drenching every inch of the Scottish hills. I stop all I am doing to admire it. Though it's something I've seen a few hundred times, it's somewhat calming. A few paintings have been inspired by such weather. Especially the aftermath. When all wildlife adventures back out as the remaining drops fall from surrounding leaves. The smell is something that captures my attention, unfortunately it's not a thing I can show in watercolours.

Light footed steps crept up towards me. I turn to give my attention, only to be halted by the sight before me. A cotton violet towel, stopping mid way of the thigh, wrapped around her tanned body. Water droplets glisten on her chest. Wet hair sticks to any surface of her it can. I saw Elizabeth's mouth moving, yet was to stunned to process the words. It was beyond rude to stare at a lady half exposed without consent but I couldn't seem to pry my eyes away. To give her privacy. Watching her walk closer, still gawking. She places her index finger underneath my chin, tilting my head up.

"Eyes up here, darling" a playfully look within her emeralds match the smirk on her lips. Lost for words by the slightest touch and authority. "Cat got your tongue?" She brushes her thumb ever so delicately below my bottom lip
"My deepest apologies, Elizabeth" I let go of a much needed breath in which she took away "One shouldn't have been looking at you like that, especially in such a vulnerable state"
"None of that is necessary. Who knows, if that date goes to plan more might be seen" she winks. Her flirtatious comments always cause heat to rush straight to my cheeks, which brings her amusement each time.

"May I ask what it is that brings you away from your bathroom with minimum clothing?" A brow raised, hoping to leave the flustered state behind
"It's rude to not pay attention" that mischievous look still playing on her face. Slowly tucking a loose strand of hair behind my ear "The shower is only producing cold water. Not pleasantry at a time like this. Wondering if you'd be willing to help fix the problem"
"I can certainly try my best. Though I must warn you I have no expertise in the plumbing department" such a warm smile she displays. Lighting up all areas consumed by darkness
"One has to learn in order to be successful. It'll be a lesson for us both"

Tampering with the boiler, I somehow managed to regain the hot water. Unsure whether I fixed the issue or worsened it, only time will tell on that part. Her lips were as soft as they looked. The ghost of a kiss lingering on my cheek. Her kind gesture of thankfulness.

"It seems all I'm doing now a days is thanking you, Y/n" her gentle laugh fills up the silence. "Was the shower more to your desire?"
"Certainly. You never mentioned you're a lover of painting" Elizabeth begins admiring the various few canvases scattered around me "They're truly full of talent" her movement holts when one particular painting captures her eye. The girl runs her finger over the dry paint, taking in every detail. From the white butterfly to the purple lilacs. "Were you planning on keeping this hidden from me?" I rub my hand up and down the back of my neck, unable to answer the question "And I'm considered the creeper" she snickers, setting down the image before sitting herself beside me "My little stalker" She sits in silence. Allowing me to fall back into my creativity.

"It's mesmerising watching you paint. Therapeutic almost" I smile at such a statement. It's new. Having someone beside me while I lose myself in the art. "Teach me" Elizabeth plucks the paint brush out from between my fingers
"Now Miss Olsen, did mother not teach you manners?" A surge of confidence rushed to my mouth before I thought of a response. The girl rolls her eyes "Please, Y/n. Could you teach me how to paint such exquisite art like yourself?" A playful tint lingers in her tone. "It'll be my honour"

Placing a blank canvas upon the easel "Try capture what you can see" I instruct. Leaving the girl to her own devices. Keeping a distance. Letting me see her skill before advising what to do best. Her body was tense. Her hand was stiff not allowing the brush to glide freely. "I'm not going to judge your ability, Elizabeth. Just breathe" I crouch down behind her, a comforting hand on her waist while the other guides her hand with ease. Letting go of her wrist, she keeps the same easy pace. "Now we have the outline of the flower. Time to add the shading and highlights, to define it more"

"Like this?" I watch as she blends two colours together, lifting the paint brush only to mistake the canvas for my face. A line of purple ran across my forehead "Real mature, Olsen" her hysterical laugh is contagious. "Would be an awful shame if I happened to ruin your freshly cleaned skin" I say, reaching for the paint pallet. Knowing I was about to retaliate, Elizabeth shot up from the seat, heading back into the kitchen. "Don't think running from me is going to save you, sweetheart" her smile displaying nothing but innocence. One stride forward, I wrap my arm around her waist closing the gap between. A line of blue smudged across her cheek. "Y/n!" She whines, wriggling within my grasp trying to break free.

The laughter began dying down. Her forestry orbs shined joyfully as they looked into mine. Still having a hold on the girl, we remained silent. The moment to tender to ruin.

A moment I wanted to last for a lifetime.


These chapter aren't coming out when I want them too. 😂

Anyways, stay frosty my dudes ✨👌

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