Dinner w/ "Dave"

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"So, H-how was your day, Dear?" I asked. Dave had taken me out for dinner to a nice restaurant. I'd been forced to dress up and cover any markings with bandages and makeup. I had been eating every few days but this would be the first time I'd have been able to eat for almost a week. I lost a lot of weight and looked like a stick. 

"It was fine." He said plainly.

I was in constant pain from the blade wounds and was throwing up a lot.  I was forced to wear very little makeup but just enough to cover any wounds that had healed. It had been a few months since I was kidnapped, And our 4th time out together. This was a new restaurant for us to try, And we were both excited. It reminded me of olive garden, But just smelled better and the reviews, as Dave told me, Are really fuckin good.

"Hi! Welcome to ******, Can I get you two started with some drinks?" The waitress asked. "Oh, she'll have the water and I'll have the red wine, please." Dave insisted. 

"Great! And are you two ready to order or do you guys still need a few minutes?" She asked, Writing down our drink orders. 
He told her his order and said we would share the meal to save money. 

I gazed around the room a bit as the waitress walked off with our orders. I Noticed a man, Close to my age, With dirty blonde hair. He was sitting with three other people, One girl had pale white hair, One girl had long silver hair with green bangs, and the other man had deep red hair. I felt like I had seen him before and then it hit me. Sundrop, Chica, Roxy, and Monty. Freddy must have been busy, But I knew them. This was my chance. I kept my gaze away from the group, so Dave wouldn't look over there. 

I saw chica and roxanne get up, I assumed they were going to the bathroom.

"Honey, Can I go to the bathroom? I think I j-just started my period." I asked. "Whatever. Make it speedy." He growled. 

I quickly got up with a small bag with pads and tampons and made my way to the bathroom. 
I asked where the bathroom was and a waiter lead me to it. I walked in with my heart banging louder than it ever had. What if they didn't recognize me? 

Roxanne was fixing her hair in the mirror and chica was in a stall. 
"Roxy!" I whispered at her, standing on the wall.
"Huh? Do I know you?" She asked. "Its me! Y/N!" I whisper shouted. Roxy stared at me for a minute. 
She quickly wrapped her arms around me, tear filled. "Where have you been!? Are you okay?" She asked. 
"Dave. H-hes forced me to marry him secretly and live with him. Before you ask me to leave, I cant. He i-implanted a bomb in the back of my neck. The shock collar turned off but the bomb is still there." I quickly explained. 

"I don't have much time, Dave is waiting for me at the table. make sure sundrop knows I'm okay and that I love him. I need you to act as cool as possible, Your table is pretty close to mine. Call the cops, But let them know there's the bomb so that dave doesn't kill me." I explained, walking towards the door. 

"Okay, I will. Be safe, I Won't let you leave this building. I promise. I'll make sure of it." She said. I nodded gently and started to make my way back to the table. I wiped off a tear or two and slapped a grin on as I sat down. 

"F-False alarm!" I giggled. "Didn't ask." He said. Roxy and Chica walked back to their table and sat down. I could see them telling sundrop everything. 

"So, I was thinking we could start having children?" Dave smiled. I felt my heart sink to the floor. 
"Kids..?" I asked. "Well, Yeah." He laughed. 

"Of course! T-That would be great!" I smiled. I didn't want to. I had no choice but to agree, I didn't want him to get mad. I watched as chica informed a waiter of the situation and had them tell all the staff so they can prepare. 

"They're on their way," Roxy mouthed at me. I made sure not to react at all so dave wouldn't get upset at me for looking at other people again. The waiter walked over with our drinks and set them down. 

"We'll be out with your meals shortly," She smiled, and walked off. Suddenly the fire alarms started to go off. I felt my heart beat pick up speed as people started getting everyone outside.

I felt someone grab my arm, pulling me away from dave. I watched as dave got caught in the crowd, Not realizing I wasn't there. 

"Y/N!" the person who grabbed me shouted. I looked up at the person, shaking. He had deep blonde hair that I knew all to well.

"S-Sun..?" I muttered. Tears started to form in both of our eyes. We were approached by police, and escorted into the back of cop cars. 

Sun quickly grabbed my face and kissed me for what seemed like forever. My heart became warm and fluttered. I forgot what real love had felt like, I missed this feeling. I felt the tears roll down my face; everything around us felt like there was nothing anymore. 

We separated our lips and held each other close and cried together for the rest of the car ride. 

I suddenly looked up at sun, my face turning pale. "Whats wrong?"

"THE BOMB! D-DAVE! W-What if he-?!" I shouted. "Its okay, we're going to take care of that as soon as we get inside. Don't worry, I will NEVER let him hurt you ever, ever again." Sundrop said. I hugged him again and we made our way inside.


A/N-- Hello lovelies! The next chapter should be out soon, But it may be delayed due to an upcoming death 1 year anniversary of someone close. So please be patient with me on this next chapter if yall are still here. For those of you who want more smut, I will (MAYBE) do that in the next chapter, But it all depends on how far the plotline gets along.

Read well!

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