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"The longer you wait to tell me where Ella is, the worse your punishment is going to be if she ends up hurt," I threaten calmly while sitting in front of Ezal's figure hanging by his wrist.

Ella hasn't been found.

I've sent people out to look for her with no leads, and I haven't gotten anything back saying they found her.

Grabbing a chair from the medal desk on the far left of my room I bring it in front of him sitting down, "my dad is going to know something is up," he says and I smirk.

His dad doesn't know where any of my businesses are just like I don't know where his dad's stuff is located. The only place I know his dad goes every night is his home, at first I wasn't going to raid it because Ella lives there.

Now that she's living with me, rather she likes it or not, I can bow raid the home and kill all three of them. But before I do any of that I have to make sure I have access to his companies for the debt she owes me.

I haven't figured out how I'm going to do that yet.

Most of our plan is thought out, after we leave the yacht party I have to go and do everything.

Ella will be with me so I also have to come up with a lie to tell her to protect her from all of this. After we successfully kill David I will tell her and deal with whatever feelings she has.

If she hates me there's nothing I can do, I'll still be hurt.

If she doesn't care then that's amazing! We can both move on leaving all of this behind.

If she doesn't get hurt...

"Did you tell your dad where my business is," I asked leaning back in the seat and putting my left ankle on the top of my right knee.

If he did he might have a possibility of being 'saved.'

He gets quiet before saying, "yes."

"Then why isn't he here," I laugh before turning my head and demanding one of my men, "tighten his ropes, I want it to cut into his wrist."

A wide smirk forms on my face as I watch him move around and beg for it not to be tightened, looking down at his feet I can see him standing on his tippy toes, "and lift him a little," I holler over his agony.

I roll my sleeves up to my elbows, "you're making this harder on yourself, all you have to do is tell me where Ella is," I say before yawning.

I may seem calm to him but inside my heart is racing and my patience is thinning. I have yet to get a call someone has found her and I have no idea where Liam is.

I went to his office and he wasn't there, I called and texted and he didn't answer, and everyone in the building besides the two that are with me is out looking for Ella.

I'm about to kill this motherfucker.

Once they pull him up he yells, "she's at my parent's house. Miro took her from the apartment and took her there... I had to let them. I had to... or they would've killed me! Please put me down. Please," he begs his voice becoming more high pitch, "I'll tell you whatever you want. I promise if you let me down I won't tell my father about any of this... I'll disappear," he continues.


Standing up from the chair I stretch my back telling my men, "let him hang. Let's go."

He wanted to leave me hanging for a little over thirty minutes, so he can hang. My girl can be dead or even worse being tortured by those men.

Getting out of my truck I make sure I have my bulletproof vest on and my gun in my hand. If I have to I will light everyone in the house up, and I don't care if its mid-day and families are out.

Anyone will get it behind the people I care about.

"Get the ram," I point to the back of my truck and one of my men grabs it.

We only use the ram for raids, so we can break into a home successfully. I should have more men here, but they're all out looking for Ella.

He hits the door multiple times with the ram and when the door opens I see David running down his stairs with his slut of a wife, "where the hell is Ella," I holler and they stop in their tracks when they see two shot-guns pointed at them.

It would be easy to kill them right now.

They're vulnerable.


And they have towels wrapped around them.

I can't because I need to change his will before I take his life, and as soon as we shoot we won't have time to go upstairs and change it before people start to call the police.

I'm not scared of policemen because most of the time I would pay them off, but I won't be able to change his will if he's already dead.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he sounds horse and both of my men cock their guns back.

"Don't play dumb I know she's here," I pause for a second before yelling her name a couple of times.

No answer.

"Ella isn't here," Kay, Ella's mom, informs, "she's off fucking my side piece," she rolls her eyes just like Ella does before walking upstairs and saying, "they want you not me, David, I'm going to bed."

I let her go, she's right I don't want anything to do with her. Her husband is the one that needs to be penalized for his actions towards not only his daughter but me.

"She left with someone her age, you're too old for my daughter," he teases and I stop myself from telling them to splatter his walls with his dirty blood.

"Did she leave with Miro," I ask my fist balling themselves up?

"Yes," he answers, and my phone rings.

Taking it out of my pocket I see it's Liam calling, and as soon as I answer and put it up to my ear my stress goes away, "we found her."

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