Chapter 114: The Most Perfect Martial Art

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Naruto strode forward, jumping as trails of power were being left behind. While it would be easy simply just erase them from existence with a slither of antimatter-

He wanted to show them the difference in strength between.

Only then will his victory will be most fruitful and most enchanting. Naruto appeared from above, his body enhanced by the antimatter swirling inside of his body.

I'll make you all regret facing me. Naruto mused, bringing his foot up before shooting it down, a wave of stabilized antimatter releasing from his axe kick.

Naruto saw them dodge the attack, their bodies moving with swiftness. Feeling a wave of chakra from behind Naruto turned his head to see Ay.

"Lightning Release: Spear of Indra!"

Naruto widened his eyes, mesmerized from the display of power. In Ay's hand was a spear of lightning that was over 20 meters in length.


The tendril of lightning sparked and crackled with brilliance, expanding under the influence of the epitome of lightning users.

If only using the antimatter inside of me through external means didn't actually use the positrons that I have. Naruto thought, looking into the future.

This wouldn't have been a problem if he could use antimatter without using methods like his Preta Path and Kengen collaboration technique.

Not wanting to waste the antimatter that he was wielding Naruto jumped to the side, a huge explosion occurring once the lightning made contact with the sand.

Naruto looked at the minions that were made up of complete sand.

They weren't destroyed? Naruto thought, his musings trailing as he saw numerous minions ride on top of a wave of sand. He now realized that there was something more than what meets the eye when it came to Gaara's sand ability.

Is it resistant to all basic natures? Naruto rushed to the side, sweat pouring down his face as he narrowly dodged a series of 3-dimensional blades that were seemingly infinite.

For someone like Naruto the Dust Release blades were trivial since even though they have high destructive abilities, they were too slow for him.

That's why...

"Now!" Mifune yelled, gesturing for them to attack all at once while Onoki prepared for a devastating attack. Naruto felt his heart thump.

Ushering one of his hands to the side created a large force that ushered space. Naruto thus was able to use Shinra Tensei to force everything around him back.

They were able to somewhat resist it. Naruto saw their creations unwaver in their structural durability. They did not perish under the power of the Shinra Tensei.

Looking into the future Naruto saw what was about to happen next.

Naruto looked upwards, seeing Onoki manipulate a very large blade that was 3-dimensional and very large in size. Even though he knew the future-

He couldn't help but feel a trickle of sweat slithering down his neck.

He saw everyone back away, preparing for the destruction that would surely occur once the blade of Dust Release would crash into the Earth.

"Hey... can't you give mercy to little old me?" Naruto disappeared, his body moving at light speeds. He breathed, appearing above Onoki.


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