Chapter 3

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Hey all! A slight change from what I originally wanted. Instead of Issei and Section Zero almost being found out, I decided that Section Zero would instead save the ORC from a monster here.

After an uneventful first day of school, Issei, Kimberly, and Asia went home.

Once they arrived, they gave a detailed report on everything that happened today. After the report, the trio split off and went to their rooms where they would remain until dinner.

After dinner, Issei was sitting at his desk and typing up a far more detailed report and sending it back to HQ.

After sending it, he noticed that it was time for him to go on patrol.

Standing in the middle of his room, he tapped his belt buckle with his index and middle fingers. From his waist came a large magic circle that split into two and traveled up and down his body.

His lower body was now clad in black dress pants.

His lower body was now clad in black dress pants

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Those pants were tucked into black boots.

His upper body was now clad in a white long sleeved dress shirt with a black tie that was tucked into the pants

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His upper body was now clad in a white long sleeved dress shirt with a black tie that was tucked into the pants.

His upper body was now clad in a white long sleeved dress shirt with a black tie that was tucked into the pants

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(Minus the vest, and change the tie to a complete black color.)

On top of the dress shirt was a black leather jacket that was completely zipped up.

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