Chapter Seven: Trust

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"We can't trust him anymore, Harry!" Y/N heard Ron's voice echo as he regained his consciousness.

Y/N's ears rang as the voices got louder.

"He's our friend, Ron! He's basically our family, can't you see he's hurting?!" Harry argued as Y/N tried to open his eyes.

"Y/N." Hermione whispered with a smile as Y/N's eyes finally opened.

Hermione clutched Y/N's hand tightly with both hands. Her eyes began to fill with tears of joy.

"Am I in heaven?" Y/N asked, staring at her.

Her hair was messy and her eyes had bags under them but she still looked perfect.

Y/N looked around the room to see it completely empty aside from him, Hermione, Harry and Ron.

"You're finally awake!" Ron stomped up to him angrily with hostility.

"Oh, god. I'm in hell." Y/N groaned, finally sitting up on the hospital bed.

"You're a Death Eater!" Ron shouted, grabbing Y/N's arm harshly and pulling down his sleeve.

"Be careful, he's still recovering!" Harry scolded Ron, pulling him away.

"I'm sorry, Y/N. They got suspicious and I couldn't stop them-" Hermione was cut off by a kiss on the lips from Y/N.

"It's okay, my love. It was bound to happen." Y/N sighed, tucking her hair behind her ear.

"Well? Go on. Scream at me. Report me. Get me locked up." Y/N stared at Harry who's opinion was the one that mattered.

Harry looked at him with furrowed eyebrows. His hands were curled into fists and he trembled, biting his lips to stop himself from letting tears fall. He couldn't believe one of his best friends, his brother, would be on their side.

"Why?" Harry croaked out with a shaky voice.

"Why? To protect my family." Y/N said straightforwardly.

"Y/N, he killed my parents and now you're part of them!" Harry shouted.

Hermione and Ron both went silent, letting the two speak.

"You were a brother to me!"

"Harry, just because he killed your parents, doesn't mean I'd be willing to let him kill mine!" Y/N shouted back, wincing at the sharp pain on his side.

"Y/N-" Hermione tried to speak, worried for Y/N's health.

"You can't seriously be angry at me for trying to save my family! You'd do the same thing!"

"That's not it, Y/N!" Harry looked away, refusing to look him in the eyes.

"I'm mad that you didn't tell us!"

Y/N's gaze fell down, he felt guilty. Hermione was right. They were basically a family, being best friends for nearly 6 whole years and yet he didn't tell them.

"Harry I-" Y/N tried to speak.

"Maybe if you had told us, we could've helped! We could have thought of something else! Then you wouldn't have to go through with this!" Harry cut him off, anger lacing every single word.

"Harry. I can't exactly go against Voldemort's wishes." Y/N sarcastically chuckled.

He always remained calm with everyone. Only Hermione could get past that.

"Stop that!" Harry shouted.

"Stop what?" Y/N questioned, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Stop talking about it like it's no big deal! Stop talking about your difficulties like it's fine!" Harry was now bawling as he spoke.

Invisible Things (Hermione Granger x Male Slytherin Reader)Where stories live. Discover now