Chapter 33: Where Light Shall Dwell

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I don't think I'd ever driven so fast, not since my racing days, anyway. When Amber said something about a knife, which I had no clue about, and then didn't answer my calls or texts, I knew something was wrong. As I weaved in and out of traffic, I tried not to think about it, knowing what that something might be.

The closer I got to my house, the more anxious I got, afraid of what I'd find, especially since I knew what that thing was capable of. However, when I walked in and found the house empty—no bloody mess or Amber—I was confused. Where the hell was she?

I immediately tried to call her again while I looked all around the house for some kind of clue as to where she could be. When I walked back into my room, I heard a buzzing noise beside the bed and knew immediately what it was—Amber's phone.

"Damn it!" I huffed, panic settling back in as I hung up, knowing there was no way for her to get ahold of me now.

I bent over to pick her phone up, but something else caught my eye—the knife. It was one of my kitchen knives, and the fact it was still here and covered in blood made my stomach drop. I looked around for more signs of blood, but there weren't any, which made me feel a little better, but only slightly.

Where was she?

I walked out of my room but stopped in the middle of the kitchen, debating what to do. After all that had happened, and the fact that I was already a suspicious character in a murder, going to the police would only raise more suspicion. Even if I called her parents, they'd just do the same thing, which would be even worse. The only other person who knew what was going on was Erik, who was currently incapacitated, and—

I'd totally forgotten Edda had given in to technology and gotten a phone. Feeling hopeful again, I yanked mine back out of my pocket to call her, knowing she could at least help me figure out what to do. Before I could even dial her number, though, my phone started to ring in my hand. When I looked down, I couldn't help but shake my head. That woman was better than I thought.

"Hey, Edda, I was just about to call you. We've got a problem."

I wasn't even able to explain before she interrupted me. "I know we do. They're coming."

"What? Who's coming? Coming where?"

"As you probably know by now, I have a way of knowing if someone is coming, and when I was alerted of a visitor, I tuned in to see who it was. Amber is coming, but she's not alone. I sensed two people with her; one, I assume, is the malevolent entity, and the other is its female host."

"Are you sure they're coming to you?" I asked, trying to understand how that would be possible.

"Yes, unless something happens to alter their course, they're coming here."

I was out the door and in my car, headed to Edda's, in a matter of seconds. "But why? Do you think that thing somehow sensed when you... did whatever you did, or knows our plan and is trying to stop it before it can happen?"

"Summoning spells aren't usually detectable, however, this is an unusual circumstance of events, so anything is possible."

"Can you leave, or at least hide until I get there?"

She laughed at my concern. "I don't run from evil, Nicholas, just as light doesn't run from shadows. I'm ready and protected."

"But you don't know what it's capable of," I argued.

"But I do." She sighed and started to say something else, but stopped.


"They're here."

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