Chapter 8 | Redemption (Part 4)

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The group turns the final corner, reaching the last tunnel.

"This is the lava river." Karga says as they approach the boat attached to the side.

"The ferry droid is fried." Din says. He has one arm reaching behind him, keeping Cordelia from getting too close to the heat.

"Yeah, but if we push the boat out, we can get it to float downstream. Come on." He replies, grabbing the side of the boat.

"Looks old. Will it take the heat?" He asks. Karga looks at him.

"You got a better idea?" He asks. Cordelia laughs and the Child coos at the sound.

"Guess not." Din responds, moving to help Karga. They both grunt as they push as hard as they can, but the boat doesn't budge. Din pulls back and kicks the boat.

"Careful! You're still injured!" Cordelia scolds, glaring at him.

"Come on! What're you doing?" Karga says. Din grabs a broken piece of metal from the ground.

"Let's try this." He says. He wedges the piece between the boat and wall, then leans his weight on it. 

"You guys mind getting out of the way?" Cara says, holding her blaster.

"Oh!" Karga says when he spots her standing there and rushes behind her. Din moves between the two women, shielding his family with his body. 

Cara fires along the spots where the boat attaches to the wall. She goes over it twice and the boat moves off the wall.

"Good job." Karga says. He, Din and Cara get in first. 

"Watch your feet. It's molten lava." IG-11 says.

"No kidding." Cara says.

Cordelia hands the Child to Cara before Din helps her into the boat. He gives her a quick Keldabe Kiss before they join the others at the front of the boat. Beeping and whirring draws their attention to the back and they all point their blasters at where the ferry droid is powering up.

"I don't suppose anybody here speaks droid?" Din asks.

"I believe he is asking where we would like to go." IG-11 says.

"Down river. To the lava flat." Karga tells the droid. It chirps before placing its oar in the lava and beginning to row. The group puts their blasters away and Cordelia sighs, letting herself relax into Din's side. She closes her eyes and enjoys his arms around her as they stand at the front of the boat.

"That's it. We're free!" Karga says after a while, when bright light can be seen at the end of the tunnel. Din moves his arms around Cordelia to press the button on his vambrace to scan the end of the tunnel.

"No. No, we're not." He says. He tightens his arms around Cordelia as she moves her hands to his chest. "Stormtroopers. They're flanking the mouth of the tunnel. It looks like an entire platoon. They must know we're coming."

"Stop the boat." Cara says. "Hey, Droid, I said stop the boat." When the droid doesn't stop the boat she turns and storms up to it. "Hey! I'm talking to you. I said stop!" She says and blasts the droids head off.

"Cara!" Cordelia cries, rushing forward and taking the Child from her. "What the hell were you thinking! He could've gotten hurt!" She says, glaring at the woman.

"I was thinking that the droid didn't stop the boat!" She replies. Cordelia rolls her eyes.

"Maybe if you had waited for longer than a second, the droid would've had the chance to!" She says.

"It doesn't matter. We're still moving." Karga interrupts. Cara sighs.

"Looks like we fight." She says.

"There are too many." Din says. Cordelia moves back to his side and he runs a finger across the Child's head.

"What should we do?" Cordelia asks.

"I can't surrender." Cara adds.

"They will not be satisfied with anything less than the Child and Cordelia. This is unacceptable. I will eliminate the enemy and you will escape." IG-11 says.

"You don't have that kind of firepower, pal. You wouldn't even get to daylight." Din says.

"That is not my objective." The droid responds.

"We're getting closer." Cara says. She moves to the front of the boat and grabs her blaster.

"I still have the security protocols from my manufacturer. If my designs are compromised, I must self-destruct." IG continues.

"What're you talking about?" Din asks. He moves towards the droid, pulling Cordelia with him.

"I am not permitted to be captured. I must be destroyed." He says. Cordelia gasps softly, feeling tears prick her eyes.

"Are we gonna keep talking, or get out of here?" Karga says. IG-11 holds out Din's jetpack.

"I can no longer carry this for you." He says. He sets it down. "Nor can I watch over the Child."

"Wait. You can't self-destruct. Your base command is to watch the Child. That supersedes your manufacturer's protocol, right? Right?" Din says.

"This is correct." IG says.

"Good. Now, grab a blaster and help us shoot our way out." He says and turns towards the front of the boat.

"Victory through combat is impossible. We will be captured. The Child will be lost. Sadly, there is no scenario where the Child is saved, in which I survive." The droid says. Cordelia shakes her head softly, tears rolling down her face.

"Listen, you're not going anywhere. We need you. Let's just come up with a-" Din says.

"Please tell me the Child will be safe in your care. If you do so, I can default to my secondary command." IG interrupts.

"But you'll be destroyed." He protests.

"And you will live, and I will have served my purpose." He says. Din looks down before looking at IG again.

"No. We need you." He says. Cordelia slips her hand into his as she hears the emotion in his voice.

"There is nothing to be sad about. I have never been alive." IG says.

"I'm not sad." He says.

"Yes, you are. I'm a nurse droid. I've analyzed your voice." He responds. The Child coos, drawing their attention to him and Cordelia. IG rubs the Child's ear and pats Cordelia's head. She smiles at him, wiping her tears to look at him clearly. He moves towards the edge of the boat and Din tightens his grip on Cordelia's hand.

"IG?" Karga asks. "What're you doing?" He asks as IG steps out of the boat and into the lava. Cordelia sniffles as he starts walking towards the end of the tunnel and Din pulls her into his side, wrapping his arms around her. They walk together towards the front of the boat, tucking the Child between them. The group watches as IG walks to the end of the tunnel. He reaches the stormtroopers waiting there.

"Manufacturer's protocol dictates I cannot be captured." He says. They hear beeping as the bomb in his chest activates. "I must be destroyed." He says.

Din turns Cordelia and tucks her face into his neck right before the bomb in IG's chest detonates. She whimpers at the sound and he holds her and the Child tighter, gently rubbing both of their backs.

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