CH. 17.1 Keeping a Guardian Busy

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Once the mattresses were set up, the food and wine was brought in, and Alex was ensconced in the middle of the gang, the conversation began Drake sipped his wine slowly, his gaze darting around the room and landing on the Gila guards at the door. He tensed until Alex reassured him with a pat on the shoulder.

"The question is: why am I here," Alex said. "And with Drake. Is he here for training or to watch my back?"

Drake shifted on the mattress and met Alex's eyes. "I'm here for both," he said. "I'm your friend and I want to help you."

"Is he particularly good with a sword?" Razz asked.

Drake shook his head to save Alex from answering. "I'm best with an arrow."

Razz looked at Drake intently over the rim of his wine cup, his eyes narrowed in thought. "Then fighting Cla hand to hand is not the answer." He set the cup down with a decisive clink. "We need to find another way."

Alex drew her knees to her chest.

Drake watched Alex and frowned. "Who is Cla?"

"My former owner." Razz laid his head on Alex's shoulder.

Drake's eye-ridges lifted. "Owner? Sounds like a witch."

"That term is not strong enough. She had designs to be the next Anolis Kuni. She has tormented Alex. She also had four children by Gabe."

Drake choked on his wine while Alex buried her face on her knees.

Razz tucked himself under Alex's arm. "She raised her two daughters as warriors. One son she tortured to death. This caught the attention of the being Alex calls the Portal Guardian, who brought Alex here so she could rescue the other son."

Alex covered her head with her arms. Alex's body shook while tears ran down her face. Her eyes were red and watery.

Razz burrowed under her arms to look at her face. "I am sorry to distress you. Did you not tell your teammates?"

Alex mumbled, "Not general knowledge."

"Then I shall not speak further of it. I will not cause Alex further pain."

Drake sipped his wine and murmured, "Gabe the Golden had four children during an affair. So very, very interesting."

"Drake, you're forbidden to use this against him," Alex turned her head to speak.

"You take the fun out of life." He swirled the crimson liquid in his glass, before taking a long sip.

"I didn't almost die rescuing Galen so you can play one-upmanship with an old rival," Alex said.

"I won't do anything you don't want me to. I promise. But, you almost died?" Drake covered one of Alex's hands with his. "Cla is that good?"

"So good I've never won against her. I only escaped with Galen because I had what would have been a fatal wound on this world. Razz took out the spear and I flew off with him and Galen. With her usual atrocious bad timing, the Portal Guardian opened a portal and whisked me and Galen off."

"Where?" Drake asked.

"Doesn't matter. All that matters is that Galen's safe and with a new family. I went back to my home world for medical care." Alex crammed her forehead between her knees. "Idiots saved my life. Anyway, here we are."

Drake squeezed her hand. "Sorry for your loss. I didn't know this would turn into this kind of conversation."

Razz stroked his muzzle along Alex's side. "Yes, here we are. You are a hero here. You are here to be a hero again. We will find out what you are here to accomplish. Drake, your arrows are to keep her covered while she does what she must."

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