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[A/N: Hello my lovely readers! I sincerely apologize for my hectic schedule and inconsistent uploads. These past few days have been so crazy and unbelievably busy for me. I love you all and hope you enjoy this new chapter! -K 🖤]

[🌌This chapter is long, contains perilous and dangerous situations, and contains angst.🌌]
The panicked crowds emitted piercing and terrified screams while the castle shook tremendously, every tense moment worsening with increasing violence. Shattering glass and trembling architecture forced debris to fall from the once pristine ceiling as warships from the First Order continued to fire relentlessly onto the fortress and surrounding property.

Emergency klaxons eerily howled both on the exterior and interior of the castle, and other than for drill and practice purposes, I had never heard them actually shriek so fiercely before.

The rampaging stampede cared not for those around them as their main concern was the survival of themselves alone. Unfortunately, the extensive train of my ornate gown was being brutally stomped over, dragging my struggling figure backwards from Poe quite forcefully.

"Poe!" I screamed, feeling the fabric of my dress being torn as the frightened guests trampled over it carelessly. I was pulled backwards and harshly knocked to the intricate tiling, slamming my left wrist onto the ground painfully. I weeped in panic and in agony, covering my head from falling debris and from the people who haphazardly stumbled over me as I remained helpless on the ground.

My hands trembled and shook with a fear I had never known before. My home had always been my refuge, a forever safe place where nothing traumatic or dangerous could ever harm me.

And now, I had never feared more for the safety of my guests, my subjects, my family, my Poe, and my own life.

Large hands rested on my shoulders from behind me, protecting me from the egregiously behaving attendees. With a gentle reminder of reassurance, the hands slipped beneath my arms and assisted me to stand tall while I continued to sob as I reached my feet.

I held my wrist against my chest, feeling as if I had sprained it when I had been forced to the ground. "(Y/N)!" I was rapidly turned around, realizing that it was my father who had rescued me from being trampled carelessly by those we had invited to the castle for the gala that was once supposed to be celebratory.

"Father!" I cried over the alarms and the earth-shattering screams. I sobbed into his chest as he pulled me close to him. With a cry of agony, I cradled my wrist closer to myself, gasping for ragged breaths. "W-What's happening?! Where's Mother?!"

My father wiped a hand across his forehead, collecting sweat that was cascading over his furrowed brows. He had already tossed his crown aside and removed his decorative accessories. He was frantically searching the interior of the ballroom, mentally counting the Knights and the remaining guests that hadn't escaped yet. "The First Order is here to eliminate our weapons caches so we cannot supply the Resistance with any form of assistance!" A resounding explosion caused my father to wrap his arm around my shoulder to safely protect me. "Your Mother is assisting the guests who brought children, guiding them to the escape pods!"

I nodded in frantic understanding, shuddering in his arms and holding him tightly. I weeped into his chest and gripped the back of his suit jacket, not wanting to admit how terrified or weak I felt in this moment.

"Dameron!" My father suddenly shouted, ushering his hand wildly over to us. I gasped in relief as I saw Poe finally break through the straining crowd he had been struggling with for several minutes, now dashing to where I stood with my father.

Poe had already removed his mask and his tie, sweat beading across his forehead as his searching eyes met my desperate ones. BB-8 followed him closely as they finally reached us. "Poe!" I beckoned, releasing my father to embrace Poe whose expression was a concoction of several intense emotions. He held me tightly against his chest, he scruffy cheek caressing my tear-stained face.

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