Chapter 1- Sickness (Part 1)

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I had just gotten home from school. I had a ton of homework to do, so I packed my backpack downstairs, and started working. I finish my Algebra assignment, and my dad calls from the top of the stairs.

"Janel, phone!" My dad yeIls. I run upstairs to answer it, and it was Zayn. I was a bit confused why he would call me, but I talked to him anyway. He sounded concerned about something, so I asked. He said it was nothing, but I knew he was hiding something. I asked again, thinking that would get him to tell me.

"Janel. I am worried about you. You haven't been answering the phone when I call, not answering back to my texts, and I've heard a little bit about the hate you've been getting. What's wrong, baby? You can tell me anything. Please tell me." Zayn asked, persuading me to give him the answer that he is desiring. His words got to me, so I told him to come over. When he showed up, I lost control of my thoughts, and started to cry. Zayn came over to me, and cuddled with me. I tried to escape, but I knew that there was no way out of it, so I cried there, on his shoulder, thinking about him crying, too. I knew it was going to come eventually. He wouldn't be able to stop me, so he joins me in the crying fest. Then, he gets a text from my friend, Lizzie. I ask what it said.

"Hey, Zayn. Have Janel text me. I think something's up with her." Zayn texts her back. 

"I think she's sick." It was true. He tested my temperature, and it was 105 degrees. He called Lizzie, and told her to meet him and me at the hospital.


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