Chapter 23 Clothes

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Chapter 23 Clothes

It has been more than a month since he came to Jiangnan, and Lin Jinyang still falls into that recurring dream every night with his eyes closed.

The person in the dream had a face indistinguishable from Lu Qingzhu, and his gentle voice hoarsely whispered love words to him. He clearly knew that all this was just a dream, but every time he fell into a dream, he would still fall deeply into the pure and deep love in that person's eyes.

It was undeniable that he really craved the tenderness that belonged to him alone. There is probably no one person in this world who can refuse such pure love.

If it wasn't for the dream he had in the classroom that evening, he wished that the people around him would love him as tenderly as in the dream. But since that dream appeared, he sincerely hoped that it was all just a dream, and that it would never come true.

He couldn't help but watch the gentle and slender man beside him say goodbye to him in such a tragic and decisive way.

Saying that Huang Quan wants to accompany him for a ride alone, he clearly hopes that he can live well, forget everything about him, and continue his life.

Lin Jinyang gently took the person beside him into his arms, leaned over and approached slowly, gently pressing his forehead against the other's soft hair.

He probably only dared to be so bold and presumptuous when the other party was asleep.

It is strange to say that he has only been here for a month, but in this short one month, he has the feeling that he has known Lu Qingzhu for a long, long time.

A joy that was lost and found for no reason.

He always thought that a person like him would not fall in love with anyone, until he met the soul beside him who matched him in the vast crowd.

Probably this is the so-called one thousand years.

He had never liked someone so much.

More unforgettable than the so-called love at first sight, even he himself was surprised and feared by the paranoid love that was growing wildly in his heart.

Almost going crazy.

Lin Jinyang lowered his head gently, and his dry lips gently dropped a kiss between the boy's soft hair.

Lu Qingzhu, why do I like you so much.

If you can, I hope you can like me like in your dream, even if it's only a little bit.


When Lu Qingzhu woke up, he found himself lying on the bed alone, covered with a soft quilt.

The comfortable quilt was terribly warm, and he opened his eyes for a while before realizing that this was where Lin Jinyang lived, not his windy little attic.

How could he...

"You're awake." The bedroom door suddenly opened, and Lin Jinyang walked in with two breakfasts.

Lu Qingzhu panicked, and immediately got up from the quilt in a hurry to find the clothes he took off yesterday, but as soon as he got the school uniform, he was taken away and thrown aside.

"Don't wear dirty clothes." Lin Jinyang threw the school uniform jacket in his hand aside, and before he could say no, he took a black down jacket from the closet and put it on the bed.

"I've only worn this dress once or twice since I bought it, so you can wear this one."

As he spoke, he picked up his school uniform and threw it into the laundry basket, with a tough attitude of not letting him wear that wet school uniform again.

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