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Tango: *gets set on fire and screams in agony*

Tango: Nah, I'm just kidding. Fire does nothing to me.


Stress: What do you do when someone offers you drugs?

Etho: Take them!

Ex: Punch them in the neck!

Wels: Say thank you!

Grian: Offer them more drugs to assert dominance!

Stress: ...

Stress: No.


Ren: You know what I learned from my friendship with Doc?

BadTimes: There's no such thing as too mean?

Scar: Never let your friends know for sure if you like them?

Iskall: Always hold a grudge?


Pearl: If you put a milkshake in one yard and crack open a cold one in another yard, which yard would the boys go to?

Doc: Schrödinger's boys.

Joe: FUCK!

True: What about cracking open a cold milkshake?

Hels: As we all know, the milkshake brings the boys to the yard. The presence of the boys is a prerequisite for the cracking open of a cold one, but cold ones do not have any inherent boy-attracting abilities. Milkshakes, however, do.

Hels: All else being equal, the boys would proceed to the milkshake yard. While it is possible to announce the presence of cold ones in the hope of attracting some boys, the pull of the milkshake is much more powerful by comparison.

Pearl: ...

Doc: ...

Joe: ...

True: ...

Hels: Mind you, all of this nonsense hinges on whether or not the boys are back in town.


Jevin: What makes you all smile?

Cub: Friends and Family.

NPG: Snacks.

X: Victory and success.

Tfc: Face muscles.



Zedaph: And here we have a capitalist.

Biffa: Did you just-

Gem: Let us all take a moment to appreciate that all of human history, human language, and the universe itself aligned to make this joke possible.


Beef: How late were you up last night?

False & Impulse, in tandem: Me?

Beef: No, not you two. You stay up late all the time.

Beef, to Bdubs: You.


xB: Oh god, He texted you 'hi.'' punctuation only means one thing, Hyp. He's mad at you.

Hypno: No, it's Mumbo. He's just being grammatically correct!


Mumbo: And then I used a period so he'd know that I'm mad at him.

Cleo: A period doesn't say 'I'm mad', it says 'you're dead to me'.

Mumbo: I stand by my choice.


Bdubs: I have the sharpest memory here - name one time I forgot something!

Doc: You left me, Etho, and Beef in a Walmart parking lot at 2am a day ago.

Bdubs: I did that on purpose, try again.


Today's Question:

What is your favourite colour?

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, until the next one, bye! ~Mors

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