1 Week Without NBG - 17/12/1993

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Ned left the chat

––––––––––AT THE PARK––––––––––

Bullies approach Ned

Ned puts phone away


BULLY 2: Wassup man?

BULLY: You good?

NED: Yeah, yeah of course

BULLY: Great!

BULLY: I'll be on the swings first

NED: Wait but-

Bullies run off

NED: The swings are occupied...

Ned shrugs

Ned runs after bullies

Bully grabs onto swing

CHILD: Hey, I was here first!

BULLY: Not anymore!

Bully pushes the child off the swing

The child falls hard onto the floor

The child starts crying and runs off

Ned runs over

Bullies laughing

NED: Hey!

NED: I saw what you did!

NED: That wasn't cool

Bullies stop laughing

Bullies look at him

BULLY 3: I think we need to teach the new guy our ways

BULLY: You're right

BULLY (To NED): Listen hear, Ned

BULLY: If you want to hang out with us

BULLY: You need to act tough so everyone knows who NOT to mess with

NED: Ok...

NED: And how do I do that?

BULLY: For example if someone says something rude about you in front of your face

BULLY: You have to step forwards and tower over them as you're speaking

BULLY: You can't let anyone get to you

BULLY: It just makes you look weak

BULLY: Not just you, but all of us

BULLY: You'll be letting the team down

BULLY: And you don't want to see the bad side of me

BULLY: You hear me?

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