CASE #014

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CASE #014

Before, the founder of the Supernatural Special Division, Heiwayuki Takeshi hired a 15-year old middle school student, Akashi Soujirou due to his ability to communicate with souls without eye contact.

Luck wasn't on Soujirou's side as souls held grudge on him. Some were happy that their cases were solved but some weren't. The souls who couldn't get any justifications were mad. Souls that were punished because of their sins were also mad.

They disturbed Soujirou in any ways; his dreams, his mind, everything. They then decided to call themselves 'Ghouls' and attacked Soujirou and his family.



    "I'm home!" the cheerful voice of a certain redhead echoed as his bedroom door flung open. Seijuurou, who was 13, studying, turned his head to his brother.

    "Sou-nii!" he grinned.

    "What are you doing, chibi?" Soujirou asked, approaching his little brother.

    "Studying. Test is next month." He replied.

    Soujirou looked in awe. "Such hardworking brat. Don't work too much, just relax yourself!"

    "Mummy would be happy if I get good grades."

    Soujirou smirked and landed his back onto his brother's bed, arms supporting the back of his head. "They'd be happier if you just enjoy yourself and spend more time with your family."

    Seijuurou went silent. "Sou-nii you are an officer now, you don't have to worry about school." He pouted.

    Soujirou laughed. "I'm just 15, chibi. A young, new officer in the Supernatural Section and I still need to worry about school."

    "But you're smart."

    "I'm not. I just happened to pass the exam."

    "Your grades are still higher than mine."

    "Just by 2%."

    All of them went silent until after a loud explosion was heard downstairs. Seijuurou and Soujirou exchanged glances before rushing downstairs. No one was in the living hall but a large hole was seen at what supposed to be the place of the television.

    "Curse them!" Soujirou muttered under his breath and ran, holding his brother's hand tight towards their parents' room.

    Their mum, who were also involved with the Supernatural Division opened the bedroom door and called for her sons. She must've heard it too. Soujirou and Seijuurou ran to her. She closed the door and chanted.

    "Estressia Noase Reinse Vuerisl Con Jehsj, Kleiarh!"

    "Froï Tregh Niwg Meaviëre, Hleiarse!" Soujirou added.

    Their father, who although doesn't understand what was going on, embraced Seijuurou and kept him silent, watching the two chant. Another explosion was heard and Soujirou groaned, covering his right ear.

    "Fuck. They screamed into my ear." Soujirou told his mother, wiping his now bloody ear.

    "Language, dear." Kaori chided.

    Soujirou clicked his tongue and backed away. "Basement. They should go for the basement." He suggested.

    Kaori nodded. "We need to separate—"

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