Chapter 4

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Memories of their first meeting replayed again and again in the back of his mind. It was on a sunny day and the breeze of spring filled the air. Indeed, the perfect way to meet the perfect girl. The first encounter was nothing more as a stranger, but fate tied them together and there were no escape from it.

He remembered everything – how she often spent her time in the library and indulged herself in the fantasies of literatures. And it was the library that they first met with each other.


Having to lose his cool truly wasn't like Akashi norm traits. He was usually calm and composed - very calculated, yet so unpredictable. That was what he usually acted. But certainly today won't be the day. His mood and day was both ruined because of a person that supposedly said as his only caretaker – his father.

Akashi threw his gaze to the scenery in front of him. Despite it was during the mid of spring, Akashi felt rather cold since he was outside without any jacket. It was indeed a peaceful day, but it won't ever match with his maelstrom of uneasiness, fury and whatever else that took place inside his heart.

He huffed in annoyance. Just what the hell?

What was he doing here anyways?

Shouldn't he sat at home and kept on focusing on his workloads?

Despite having those thoughts, Akashi won't budge from his seat. He realized he was wasting his time, but he just can't to do it. Maybe today will be the day that he could actually spent some time leisurely. In the end, Akashi just sighed, unsure of his own decision.

The perfect moment last just till sudden breeze chilled him to the bones. "Really, now..." he muttered softly. A part of him wanted to go home, but another part of him wanted the opposite. Akashi was having a mental war with his heart when he suddenly felt something warm circling around his neck – providing some warmth that he hoped.

"It's not good to stay here just with a piece of clothing you know?" A voice belonging to a girl reached his ears. Startled and surprised, Akashi turned his head and saw a girl stood next to him.

It was a petite-sized girl, smiling brightly despite the gloomy weather. She looked into his eyes - unwavering confidence flashed through her deep ivory eyes. "Pretty..." he muttered out loud unconsciously, making her eyes widen. A soft chuckle escaped from her lips and Akashi realized his acts.

"Sorry, didn't mean to scare you." He looked away, breaking the gaze that held them together. She raised a brow and soft laughter was heard. Soon, it turned loud – and annoying – enough to steal Akashi's attention. He frowned.

"Sorry, I'm truly sorry if you're surprised." Her laugh died and was replaced by a smile. Glancing at her watch, she gave him an apologetic look. "I've to go home," she paused, "And it's okay to keep that!" She pointed at the brown coloured scarf that wrapped around his neck and began to walk back home.

Thank you for the scarf...

Thank you for your company...

Thank you for your kindness...

Words lumped in his throat, but none of it was spoken. Akashi could only watched her back as the distance began widen between them.


His arrival wasn't greeted by his father harsh words or cold gaze. In fact, it was quite normal even though he was home late – to which Akashi thought as something truly abnormal. Ignoring the curiosity that constricting his chest, Akashi merely hoped it was a fate's play that he happened to escape from his father's wrath.

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