Chapter 11

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As Snowflame woke up, she realized she was still curled up next to Chestnutfur. "Good thing that was a dream" she thought. "But it felt so... Real."
The morning sun was rising, giving off Rays of heat that the two cats enjoyed. Snowflame stirred, and streached her muscles. The hot air outside made the metal on the roof burning hot, but luckily, Snowflame and Chestnutfurs nests were so close to the edge, they could jump off easily. There was a slight breeze, and a chance of rain that was much needed to cool off the air.

Chestnutfur groaned. "Is it time to wake up already?" He mumbled. "The Suns rising, so I guess it is." responded Snowflame. Chestnutfur rose from his nest, and easily leapt off the roof. Snowflame followed. "So which way are we going?" She asked. "North." Responded Chestnutfur. "It's where the North Star would lead us at night. Snowflame looked upwards. There were no stars in the sky, it wasn't even night. "But it's not night.." She hissed. "How do you know where to go then?" Chestnutfur groaned. "A certain type of moss grows South on trees. We go the opposite way." Snowflame nodded her head in understanding, and they set off.

As Snowflame trotted behind Chestnutfur, she noticed the green moss on the trees growing to the south. "He's right.." She thought as they headed into a different forest. This forest started on the other side of the twoleg place, unlike the old one which started pretty far back. There were boulders the size of twolegs, sizes that Snowflame had never seen before. Chestnutfur then suddenly stopped. Snowflame was confused.

"Why did you stop?" She hissed through clenched teeth. "Quiet..." He whispered back. "Why is he whispering?" She thought. She had so many more questions. Suddenly Chestnutfurs fur spiked up. "Show yourself!" He yowled. "Fight me you monster!" "Monster?" Snowflame meowed confused.

Suddenly, a large black shape with white stripes stepped out of the bushes growling. It's teeth were a stained yellow, and it had huge paws with large black claws. "Badger!" Gasped Snowflame with eyes open as wide as eggs. Both Chestnutfur and Snowflame cowered backwards in fear. There was no way they could defeat something like this! Especially since Snowflame knew no badger moves. The badger then charged at the two cats. It's sharp fangs were gleaming in the sunlight as it raised a paw to swipe. Snowflame easily dodged the blow, but now had a nick in her ear, dripping fresh red blood. The badger then turned as Chestnutfur leaped on the badger, clawing its flank as it screamed in pain. "Help me out!" Cried Chestnutfur. "The only way we're going to defeat this thing is if we do it together!

Snowflame then reluctantly pounced on the Badgers back, and swiped on its flank, while Chestnutfur moved to the facial area to strike its eyes. Snowflame's grip was weak however, and she was flung off easily. She rolled on the ground, and quickly got back up to pounce back into action, but this time going for the throat. As Snowflame quickly darted underneath the large badger, she striked part of its soft belly, then gripped onto the throat. The badger yowled in fear and tried to shake her off, but her grip was much stronger this time.

Snowflame started to slash frantically on its neck. The badger yowled and flung Chestnutfur off and he rolled onto the ground. Snowflame continued the slash. The badger then shook her off with all its might, and she flew into the air landing next to Chestnutfur. They looked into each other's eyes, then back to the badger as it limped away, back into the deep forest.

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