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yg pls give blackpink more songs

and also give jisoo more lines


I wasn't a nerd.

I'd never been a nerd and I'd never had a liking for studies. I studied because I had to and that was it. But if you went by how nerds were portrayed in the media, then usually the not very conventionally attractive girls were always nerds. It was as if they weren't accepted by society for their looks, then they had to have some other talent that didn't concern looks, like studying. It's a stupid concept, I know.

It wasn't like being a nerd was bad either. I wanted to excel in my studies but no matter how hard I tried or worked for it, I was still an average student. And with no other abilities, I was known as the talentless girl among other things like a 'freak' and 'fatty clown'. One thing I didn't understand from all those nicknames was that what was wrong with being a fatty clown?

Mr. Howard or as the other students call him, Hawk Howard because of his hawk-like sharp eyes, continues teaching English as I doodle on an empty page. I tune out his words choosing instead to gaze outside through the massive windows of our classroom. It's a cold day in BrookCastle and from the school windows, the town looks big and beautiful.

I squint my eyes as I see something flying towards the windows. Trying to figure out what it is, I lean closer towards the window. The little thing increases in size slowly as it gets closer to the window and then within a split second, it splatters against it! I jerk back. Slowly peeling itself off the window, it morphs into a man. My mouth hangs agape.

It's the smoke hybrid!

He's back. And he just splattered against my window like an omelet. He was still dressed in black and his face was still covered in that mask.

"Hello, Faye." Came that same deep voice from last night. I didn't understand how I could hear him - it, through the glass barrier but somehow, his voice was loud and clear and ringing in my ears. I scooted back just a little bit, unsure of what to do in the situation. I mean, it's not every day that an extraterrestrial hybrid shows up at your school to continue tormenting you.

"Any problems, Ms. Martin?" Mr. Howard asks, glasses perched on his nose, staring at me with those sharp eyes that have caught many students before and sent them to detention. Marker in one hand, he scratched at his bald head with the other one, continuing to hawkeye me until I shook my head.

"N-Nope, Mr. Howard," I say. There's a snicker or two I think but I don't pay heed to them. My eyes dart between Mr. Howard and the hybrid, not knowing who I should focus on or who I should fear more. Even though I wasn't the best when it came to academics, I was a surprisingly good student. I was punctual with my assignments, never made fun of the teachers - at least not to their face and had never once gotten detention or been kicked outta class.

Mr. Howard turns back to the whiteboard while asking one of the students to switch on the projector.

I turned to the front, keen on ignoring it. It was hard considering how the hybrid was waving at me. I could see his attempts to capture my attention from the corner of my eye. Slowly, scooting a bit towards the side and away from the window, I turned my eyes towards where the powerpoint was now displayed. I had to ignore it. I couldn't let myself be kicked out of class. Ignore it, Faye.

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