🌻Hunter + Gus💫

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Hunter and Gus' friendship! Sorry, but this isn't a ship srry :)
°•Best buds•°

I can't believe I actually have friends! Well, ones around my age, but still! Gus invited me, Willow and Luz to hang out but Willow was busy with her dads, Luz was busy keeping Eda from you know... Dying? That left me and I was completely free so I'm hanging with him for a while. "How about we go to the knee? I heard there's a sick carnival over there!" I nodded and hopped on my staff, following after Gus. Once we got there, we saw number carcasses, crab apples, scare-coasters and the ferris wheel! We decided to ride every ride we could until we got to the ferris wheel. "I don't know, Hunter.... I've heard that these usually get stuck..." "Awww is Gus scared? Come on, it won't be that bad! Plus, if anything happens we'll be fine."

He hesitantly agreed and sat across from me looking out the side. Seeing the sunset from a distance just makes everything even more beautiful. I was snapped out of my trance from tweets. "Flapjack?! What are you doing up here? I thought I told you to protect the staffs!" Gus stared at us, but I didn't care. I was super worried our things were taken but the little rascal explained that Gus' palisman is keeping guard. "Alright, but once we get down you're gonna be in trouble for not listening. Got that?" He nodded sadly and I just held him in my arms. "Wait.... You understand him?" Gus asked. I nodded my head, thinking he could too.

"That's so cool, Hunter!" I said, thoroughly interested. We talked for a little while longer until we realized we weren't moving. "I TOLD YOU! BUT YOU DIDNT LISTEN!" I yelled as we came to the conclusion that we were stuck. "I didn't think it would happen! It's a rare thing, you know!" "How would you know? You've been trapped in that stupid castle for years!" I said. He hesitantly shut up and I started to feel bad for bringing up something that would make him upset.

I moved over beside him and touched his shoulder, feeling him slightly flinch. "I'm sorry for bringing all that up... That's in the past and it should've been left in the past." He glanced up and I slightly smiled at him. Flapjack flew in my lap and tugged my hand on his head. I laughed, getting the hint he wanted me to pet him. He's suprisingly very soft! "His name is Flapjack... Right?" Hunter nodded and sat straighter looking outside. We felt a jerk and suddenly we were finally going down. "Sorry about that! A fairy flew into the wheels and it took a hot minute!" A staff worker said as we stepped out of the wheel. We both said we were fine and started getting ready to leave.

"Today..... Today was really fun, Gus. We should do it again sometime, but maybe with the whole group." I heard Hunter say. Without even looking at him, I could hear his bright smile. I hummed in agreement while grabbing my staff and palisman. "Ready to go, Hunter?" "As ready as I'll ever be!" At those words, we took off back home. Currently, Hunter was still living in Hexside but he stays in my little 'room' and sleeps on a more comfortable mattress. We bid each other goodbye and split up. Today really was a great day.

A/N Yay! Another one done! Alright, soooooooo ik I haven't been doing many of these but oh well! I'll try harder for you guys, don't worry! Also, don't forget that requests are opened currently. Have a great day/night/afternoon! BAIIIIIII

•||•Word Count: 628•||•

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