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It's a suck to be stuck in this elementary school wherein kids are so noisy and behaving like idiots. They are always running around and playing outside, so when they get home they are all dirty and stinky.

My Dada enrolled me in elementary school because my mom told her to do so. But, I know that Mom just put me here in elementary school so she could be with my Dad every day, unlike me, since I'm stuck here every weekdays.

If my mom was just not pregnant with my little twin brother, I would definitely get my revenge on her for separating me from my Dada.

Ever since she got pregnant with my twin brothers, she was always getting my Dada's attention and she always wanted to be with my Dada wherever and whenever.

My mother was sometimes manipulating her situation in order to separate me from my father. She always trying to guilt-trip my Dada every time my Dada was playing with me and giving me a lot of attention and affection.

At this moment, I was staring at the wall clock waiting for the clock to hit 3 o'clock so I could go home and my Dada would fetch me here in this stupid elementary school.

Kring! Kring!

"Assa!" I shouted in excitement and ran outside of the room, not saying my goodbye to my adviser because I'm no longer respecting her since she once try ro flirt with my Dada.

I exited my elementary school and looked for my Dada outside. 

My eyes immediately land on my Dada who was leaning in her car, shades on, crossed arms, and waiting for me.

"Dada!!" I shouted and waved at her, then quickly ran towards her.

She ran towards me as well, opening her arms, and I threw myself at her, then she carried me and spun us.

"I miss you so much, Ella." She peppered my face with kisses, making me giggle.

"I miss you too, Dada." I flashed her a wide smile.

"Let's go home. Your Mom is already waiting for us." I mentally rolled my eyes when she mentioned my mom.

I wrapped my left arm around her neck and let her carry me, even though I'm old enough to walk on my own.

"Can we get an ice cream?" I asked.

"I think we still have ice cream left in our freezer." Dada replied, as she put me in the passenger seat of her Bugatti Divo.

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