Ch. 10: Chance Upon A Date

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Rani was grouchy about work, about her parents nagging her to move back and about the friend group she left at home, constantly bringing up Vishnu.

As if enjoying the words 'your ex-fiancé', they brought the phrase up every single time they chatted with her in the group chat. Half of her wondered why she never left them, but it was because the moment she did, the entire U.S. network of aunties and gossip mongers would be talking about her.

As if they were not already doing so.

Hearing Vishnu's name did not hurt her as much as it should have.

Or at least, as much as she thought it would.

If she deleted the chat, then she wouldn't have to deal with them bringing it up. However, she knew she craved the gossip and news that they gave on a weekly basis. It at least saved her the energy of bringing it up with Janu and having to deal with a barrage of questions.

Charlie became accustomed to handling the clinic phones, to where Rani didn't have to supervise her every minute. She was easily the best volunteer they had; no other kid showed an interest in doing the most simple tasks and would choose play on their phones.

"Miss Rani? There's, um, a woman out here who says that she needs to talk to the manager about a discount." Charlie's face was slightly red, like a strawberry, and she kept blinking her eyes. Her voice sounded soft, yet hoarse.

"We've never given discounts, did you tell her?"

"I d-did, but she, um, called me some, uh, names."

A tear fell down Charlie's cheek and she swiped it away quickly, as if ashamed of crying.

A fire that burned in Rani's chest and she walked as fast as she could to the front.

Standing at the counter was an older woman; her face looked as if someone had fed her a basket of limes, peel along with the fruit. She had the air of someone who was used to getting her way.

"Hi ma'am, I'm the manager, and my name's Rani. May I have your name? How can I help you?" She asked. If the old woman could be polite to an adult, maybe she could settle things.

"My name's Linda Perdue. You're the manager? Where's Mikey?" She looked around, as if Mikey were hiding somewhere.

Mikey, Dr. Crowley had informed Rani, had used his position to embezzle the clinic and purchase things on the side to sell to people with a hefty discount.

Which was also why he was awaiting trial.

"He resigned from his position. I heard from our volunteer that you're asking about a discount?" Rani pressed.

"Well, yes, the stupid bitch wouldn't let me buy things I need! I demand that you give me treatment and medications for free, for all the stress I've had because of her dumbass brain. Mikey would've let me buy them."

"What exactly do you need? Can you write down the things you would buy from him?" Rani only needed a list; the legal team was at their wits end trying to find out the stuff Mikey had let people buy.

The woman listed out needles, some high level medications as well as topical antibiotics. As she finished, she said, "So when can I get them? I won't have to be handled by her, right?"

Charlie took a sharp breath in, but Rani spoke with a deadly calm tone, emphasizing each word. "No and I will not have you abuse our volunteer like that ever again. You will never stop into this clinic ever again. I will also let you know, since it was in the newspaper, that Mikey is awaiting trial for embezzling money from this clinic and other ones that he managed, as well as selling drugs and materials under the table. Since you just admitted to buying goods from him, I will also inform the prosecutors that you were his client. They are eager in finding out who purchased from him."

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