(II) Chapter 19 - Second Eldest

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[Nino's POV]

Saturday morning arrived. As I woke up, I checked my phone for any messages.

[(Y/N) 💞]

Morning babe! I'm off to training! Love lots! 😘


Good morning! I'll be preparing for today. Message me whenever you can, alright!?❤️

Love you too!😍

And stay away from girls! 😤

After replying to (Y/N) I proceeded with my morning routine and prepare for today's agenda. I head to Miku's room to see if she's already awake. I tried to knock on the door to check.

"Nino, I'm here downstairs."

"Oh, didn't see you there."

"It's fine. I'm preparing breakfast."

"Okay then. Let me wake up the girls."

"Yotsuba's already awake. She's outside doing some exercise."

"It's just Itsuki then? Alright."

I knock on Itsuki's door to wake her up.

"Itsuki, breakfast's almost ready. Time to wake up."

I waited for a couple of seconds but I didn't get any reply. I opened the door and found that she was asleep on her desk.

"Always the hard worker, huh?"

I smiled at my sister while I put on some blanket on her and just let her be. I decided to give her some time to sleep more. I head downstairs to help Miku.

"I already prepared your Black Tea" Miku mentioned as I take a seat.

"Thanks, Miku. Are you that excited to meet Ichika?"

It looks like I hit the spot when she seemed to get affected by what I said.

"W—What do you mean? I just miss Ichika, that's all. What? Don't you miss her?"

The bullet fired back at me after Miku's question. I haven't always been the showy type but I really care about my sisters. I respect Ichika's decision to live with Katori but I just can't help but miss her too.

"Of course I miss her."

"It might be the right time to tell her about my relationship with (Y/N). She might even be able to give me some advice."

While taking some breakfast, we heard someone knocking on our door.

"I'll go ahead and check it. You can continue your breakfast." Miku said while she heads for the door.

After Miku opened it, I found out that it was Misako.

"Good morning Miku Onee-chan." Misako bowed her head to Miku.

"I—It's okay. Y—You don't have to bow down. Please come in."

I just smiled at the two of them while Misako heads inside.

"Nino Onee-chan! Good morning!" Misako walked toward me and I stood up from my seat to hug her.

"Good morning Misako-chan!" We both let go of the hug and I head back to my seat. "Have you taken some breakfast?"

"Yup! I already did! By the way, your house looks great!" She exclaimed.

"Yeah, thanks. It's not the same as it was before but it is what it is."

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