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"Are you sure you're gonna be okay here on your own?" Phoenix asked her when she had parked outside the Hard Deck, clearly concerned about the girl. 

"I'm fine. Thanks for the ride Phoenix" 

"It's okay. Take care of yourself," she offered a smile before Flynn got out the car. 

Flynn waved the pilot off before heading inside her auntie's bar to numb whatever she was feeling. 

As soon as Penny's eyes landed on her niece, she knew something was wrong. 

"Do I need to be concerned?" she asked her as Flynn approached the bar. 

"I just need alcohol," Flynn replied, giving Penny her card to open a tab. 

"You know you can talk to me, right?" 

"Penny, I just need to be left alone until whatever I'm feeling goes away" 

"Go find a table, I'll bring you a drink over" 

"Thank you," Flynn said before heading over to a table in the corner by the window that looked out to sea. 

Penny soon brought her a bottle of beer which soon became 2, which then became 3. Little did Flynn know that Penny had put her niece's card aside, she wasn't going to let her pay for her drinks, she'd never allow that. 

Another bottle was pushed in front of her but she was shocked to see it wasn't Penny that gave her it. 

"I thought you'd appreciate another," Rooster offered a smile, "Can I?" he asked gesturing towards the empty seat in front of her. 

Flynn nodded so Rooster sat down, his own drink in hand. 

"What happened to your cheek?" she asked him, referring to the purple mark on his right cheek. 

"You should see the other guy," he joked, earning a small smile from her. 

"I see" 

"I'm not gonna apologise on the behalf of him and what he said because I'm no better after how I've treated you over the past week and for what it's worth I'm really sorry Flynn. You didn't deserve that. As soon as I saw you, I just put a defence up. So, I'm hoping you'll accept this as a peace offering," Rooster told her which caused a confused expression to appear onto her face until he placed a black box on the table. 

"Open it," he smiled as an answer to the look on her face. 

Flynn took the black box and opened it, inside was a necklace that she immediately recognised. 

"Is this..." 

"Your necklace that Melissa took? Yes. She left it at my house the day she left and I never got the chance to give it back. But, here we are" 

Flynn attempted to put the necklace on but ultimately failed. 

"Here let me," Rooster offered before getting up from his seat to fasten the necklace around her neck, a shiver going down her spine when she felt Rooster's fingers touch the back of her neck. 

Danger Zone - Rooster and HangmanWhere stories live. Discover now