5. Food

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It was now reaching morning and Bokuto was walking up the way to the castle. He was about to eat breakfast with the family of royals or at the least with the queen. He'd put on the nicest clothes he had, which honestly wasn't much. He'd managed to keep his white shirt clean and had on nicer looking pants too, just wanting to be decent.

Up ahead the queen had a little girl in her arms, waiting patiently. Bokuto stopped before the gate and made a small bow, not wanting to be disrespectful.

"Stand up, it's okay."

Sara giggled. "Mommy he has hair like the snow."

"He sure does love." She opened the gate and Bokuto stepped through into the garden. Akaashi's mother smiled. "You look quite nice."

"Thank you."

Sara waved. "I'm Sara." She held out her hand and Bokuto gently took it, bowing for her despite her not quite old enough to understand. "I'm Bokuto. I love your dress little miss."

Sara gasped. "Thank you!"

The queen chuckled softly and headed towards an entrance. "Keiji is sleeping currently. He's slept through the night fine and only has a small fever. He should be completely fine in two days."

Bokuto hummed.

"How was he acting when you found him?"

"Very confused."

"Ah." She opened another door, going into a hallway. "Would you like to go see him?"

"Is that really okay?"

"Well we can wait until we eat. It will be just you, me, and my daughters." She opened yet another door and Bokuto nearly gasped at the size of the table in front of him. It was full and he was sure he had never seen that much food before. "I sit across from Amaya. You will sit on her left."

"Which one is the left?" Bokuto whispered.

The queen looked back, confused. "You don't know?"

Bokuto shook his head. "I was never able to have an education."

She hummed softly, touching his left arm. "This is your left."

Bokuto's eyes widened in wonder. "Wow."

She smiled and sat down.

Bokuto took his place next to Amaya. He didn't know if she was mad at him or not so that was not making him feel better. Amaya looked to the plate on her other side and sighed. Bokuto noticed both the spot for the king and Akaashi's spot were bare.

"Is Keiji usually here for breakfast?"

Amaya looked at him and nodded. Akaashi's mother looked at her daughters. "Girls, this is Bokuto Kotarou. Last night he found your big brother and made sure he was safe from the cold and brought him home to us."

The girls thanked him, all very much not being able to keep their eyes off of him.

Emi spoke up, thoroughly embarrassing Bokuto. "I thought he was some stupid suitor dad was asking to eat with us."

Bokuto flushed. "A-ah no! I just wanted to help and your mother offered me breakfast. I don't know what any of this is though but a few things."

Amaya leaned forward and gestured to the cup in front of him. "Tea." She pointed to a plate piled with sweets. Those are cakes. Watch out though, the twins will and have bitten people over sweets." She pointed to another plate. "Ham."

The queen pointed to the bowls in front of everyone. "Soup. We have soup every morning as to keep something normal."

Bokuto nodded sheepishly. Too many smells and sights and spoons. Amaya picked up a spoon and dipped it into her bowl. Bokuto found the same one she'd picked up at his place hurriedly and also started on the soup. It was rich, which was something Bokuto wasn't used to. This was more like stew.

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