Eleven: Friend

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Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred.
—Fables (Jean de La Fontaine)

When I was but a little boy and I found myself behind kids that were shorter than me and in front of kids that were taller; I remember constantly listening to my promiscuous headmaster hammer words like, "Your friends determine your future," and "Show me your friend and I'll tell who you are," at us and sometimes I wondered if he ending up a mere headmaster of a public school because of his wrong choice of friendship and most times, I just fantasized about telling his wife about his illicit affairs with some of the senior students and the mathematics teacher. Now I wish I listened to every word he said.

I was never the type to keep friends in my university days, I just never saw the need to engage myself with absolute strangers because of some of the usual selfish-sadistic reasons that people usually gave like: "You'll need them in the future...they make you happy...they'll help you in life." It just seemed to me like a lot of "yous" was involved in the process of such intimate connection and I remember growing up hating the selfishness behind friendship until my final year days when I made a few nice ones who displayed the true essence of friendship to me, but life happened and we slowly began to drift apart along the way. Some died, some traveled and some I just never heard of anymore.

I met Juwon at a friend's wedding and I should have known that he was bad news when Ireti kept telling me not to get too close to him because she noticed that I was laughing too much at his jokes.

"People that talk too much like that are either really empty or just too full of mystery." She warned me one night as soon as I ended one of my frequent long calls with him and I told her something like, "You just don't like that I'm spending time with someone else—you're jealous.", and although we laughed about it that night, I knew she wasn't convinced.

Juwon knew everything about everyone even if it was the kind of beer they enjoyed and for some reason, it amused me. He also knew the latest business opportunities and was never hesitant to share them with me and for the longest time, I told myself that this was the only reason why I was with him and I even began to convince Ireti who also started warming up to him because of a few lucrative opportunities he introduced to her.

"Maybe he's not a terrible person—but I also don't know if he's the best kind of person either; just be careful around him. He likes money too much." I remember her telling me one weekend when Titilayo just celebrated her 2nd birthday party and I remember wondering why she was ungrateful despite all he did to impress and convince her.
"She's just being a woman.", I told myself and went on to put a call through to him and that was the day he informed me about the biggest opportunity he'd ever seen in his life.

"Are you serious? I can become a billionaire in a week?" I rose from the bed and began to itch my head.

"Ore, have I ever lied to you before?" He said from the other end and I shook my head despite the fact that I knew he wasn't watching me.

"Of course not, I'm now doubting you now, I'm just very excited. I must tell my elder brother about—,"

"Tell your what? Haba! Ajibade! At this age and time, you're still putting your trust in blood? How many times will I tell you that blood isn't thicker than water—blood is just blood and water is water, Oga better wise up. Do you think your brother will tell you about this opportunity before he ventures into it or after? Make your money and tell him after, don't go rushing and jinxing yourself." He said and I'd never been spoken to by him or anyone but my brother in my life and I began to question my manliness. Wasn't I being ridiculous with my awkward bond with my elder brother? Wasn't I old enough to make financial decisions on my own? Juwon was the best friend in the world and I'd been asleep for too long. These were the stupid thoughts that ran through my head that day. The beginning of my doom if I might add.

I started meeting with Juwon at our regular bar and suya spots on the issue of the business and he kept telling me that it was "easy" and "hard" at the same time.

"I don't understand now, Ore ja mi si kini yi," let me into this deal. I pressed him, taking note of the expensive Rolex watch on his wrist and the new car key beside his bottle of sweaty beer.

He chuckled differently before he spoke. He'd been doing that recently and instead of feeling oppressed it just got me more curious because I knew this new attitude was due to the business deal he kept stalling on.

"I don't just think you're ready for this kind of wave, Ajibade. You're a good boy."

I should have known.

"Which one is a good boy about this one now, Ore stop behaving like this now."

"Okay, okay. I'll tell you." He sat up, "but not here. We've to go somewhere. This kind of thing is classified and it must not even slip into mere ears, Babanla Fuck up niyen ma je o," that will be a major mistake. He whispered and watched me nod foolishly as I pretended to understand.

It was like in the movies. He asked me to relax and enjoy myself. He kept telling me words like, "This life belongs to Brothers like us and we will live it to the fullest." I foolishly raised a toast to that.

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I've lost my former IG account to Internet scammers but I'm grateful for reasons I don't even understand. It was distracting and I'm glad to start afresh. Follow me now (cinmithewriter) on IG AND I'll follow back!

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And please tell your friends about this book because it's more than a book, it's a movement!

I've decided to use my voice to change things in my little ways--this is an attempt.

You can listen to me telling this story on my podcast (Middle Of The Night Stories With Cinmisola) and follow me up on IG (mnswcpodcast)

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