aυтнor'ѕ noтe, yo.

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Hey, so I would just like to say, yes, I already have a fanfic, and yes, it isn't finished, but to be honest, I had no idea whatsoever what I was gonna do with that fic. I didn't know where things were gonna go. I didn't know what would happen to Autumn and Chris, I didn't know how Autumn's family problems would work out. I winged the entire thing, thus resulting in an inevitable dead end.

But I am personally one to believe in fresh starts. This is another fic, this time, an AU. It features the Fantastic Foursome, Lemma, Narcus, and most of my favorite youtubers. And, of course, this is meant to be a fresh start for Autumn. Don't worry, guys. I have a whole plot written out this time.

Also, as I have mentioned in my past fic, please don't get all butthurt. This fic gets graphic, and, of course, its never a fic written by me unless it gets controversial as fuck. My personal views on feminism, racism, depression, self harm and the LGBTQ+ community will be a great part of this. I hope you can respect my opinions, as I surely would respect anyone else's. PROMISE ME YOU'LL ENJOY THE FIC, OKAY? (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)

Okay, thanks ( ˘ ³˘)♥

Please don't read this fic if you're under 13 because I do not want to be held responsible for spoiling your innocence, child. ~

Mickey (http.chriskendall/IG)

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