SP - Dreaming of You

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Strange, and mostly sexual, dreams have plagued twenty-three year old Peter Parker's sleep, making some things awkward between America's hero and friendly neighborhood Spider-Man.


"God Peter.. You're tight- I don't think I'll fit baby." Steve groaned, only the tip had fit so far. Peter on the other hand was wining for more.

"I can't take it anymore, please Stevie.~"  Peter begged pushing back against Steve's length, causing Steve to push further in.

"Finally!~" Peter and Steve moaned together, as Steves large length filled Peter completely.

Peter awoke for the second time this week, drenched in sweat and with a desperately aching member. Peter groaned tossing the sheets away, getting up and walking to his bathroom. He bit his bottom lip stripping off his boxes, this time was worse, his member was already leaking slightly. Peter shook his head from his thoughts and started the shower getting in even though the water started out cold.

Peter was frustrated, unable to understand where the dreams were coming from and why they had started. As the water warmed, so did Peter's body, his mind retracing the dream moment by moment. His length excited, and ached for touch, Peter knew it was wrong, yet couldn't stop himself this time. His breath quickened as he grabbed around himself, slowly pumping at first. As Peters thoughts became filthy and blinding his hand moved faster.

"Steve.~" Peter moaned tilting back his head, so close now.

"Fuck.~" Peter purred as the orgasm racked his body. With the realization of what he had done, Peter reddened.

He cleaned himself up and got out of the shower, with the only thought of 'must avoid Steve' repeating in his brain.

Peter got dressed for the day, suit underneath, and went to the Avengers living room quarters, which was where Steve was sitting with a book. Steve looked up and smiled widely, almost flirtatiously, not that Peter noticed he had already turned on his heels and was off to the kitchen.

"Hey Pe-! What did I do?" Steve frowned, whispered the second bit to himself, not that Peter didn't hear anyway.

That moment stung both of them. Steve wasn't sure why Peter wouldn't greet him, and Peter felt bad about ignoring and avoiding the American sweetheart hero.

Steve wanted to follow Peter, but Steve thought maybe Peter was just hungry or still too sleepy for interaction. Peter was notably not a morning person, and hated interaction first thing. So, Steve decided to drop it for now, going back to his book.

Peter, on the other hand just nibbled his lip nervously staring at the fridge just waiting to hear Steves foot steps but the didn't come. A small relief for now, but Peter still would have to interact with Steve at some point. He pulled himself away from the fridge not feeling hungry, and slipped out of the tower luckily unnoticed by others.


Peter's game of avoiding Steve only made the man curious. Steve would try and catch Peter in a conversation but Peter kept going the other way acting like he didn't hear him. The others hadn't noticed Peter acting strange when they were around him. The others had all been gone, Tony dealing with Stark Industries and legal side of the Avengers team, Nat and Bucky had been going on missions under SHIELDS watch. Tony had trusted Steve to keep Peter company, and to watch over him while being Spider-Man.

Steve was starting to become upset by Peter avoiding him, he just couldn't for the life of him think of what he had done wrong. Steve couldn't get enough of Peter, the way Peter smiled, acted, breathed, lived in his own way. 'Did I scare him off? Get too close?' Steve thought to himself.

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