Chapter 18 Enzo ❤️ Honey

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A/N : I am warning you again. You might not like them both, save yourself from being annoyed. Hahaha

Honey's POV

I woke up early to go to the Kirigun's place. Enzo fell asleep here last night and returned to their home past midnight. He could have just stayed at least.

"Honey, don't forget our dinner later. You go home straight." It's my dad reminding me. He keeps sulking when I stay longer at Enzo's than here.

"See you."

My bodyguard drove to the Kirigun's. Their gate recognizes our car and automatically opens for us.

I went straight to Enzo's room and prepared his clothes for later. I checked his phone too. Many are trying to flirt with Enzo. I know he wouldn't care about them, but it's better safe.

Enzo moved a bit on the bed. "Wake up, baby."

"Five minutes more."

I checked my watch. Okay. Five minutes then.

"Five minutes done."  I announced.

"Later, prepare my stuff first." He asked. Done, boss.

I kicked him out of his bed. "I said, five minutes is done. Get up!"

"Baby!" Enzo whined. That's for making me wait.

"Awake now? Good! I'll wait for you in the dining room."

I saw Maru staring at the frying pan. He smiled when he saw me, that creepy smile.

"I am not helping." I answered before he could ask. Mommy Maru sucks in the kitchen.

"Axl is awake now. Ugh!" He said.

"Just fry anything," I told him. I was never assigned for cooking.

Mommy Riley walked towards us. "What are you doing? Axl is awake now."

They are all worried about that single ass. He wakes up earlier than all the people here.

"Thinking of what to cook." Mommy Maru said.

Speaking of the devil, Axl already sat at the dining table and started checking his stocks.

He looked at us quizzically. "Need help?" He offered.

"Ye-" Mommy Maru covered my mouth.

"We don't need help, Axl. We can do this." He looked at me. "You wake Gel up."

"Why me? I don't want to. Let's just heat this bacon. I mean you do it. It's your schedule." I am only assigned to washing dishes every Wednesday.

I prepared Enzo's vegetable shake.  I just put all the leafy green I found and blend it. He would appreciate it.

I received a message from my class president that he will be out today. Damn it, I need the printouts from him. Annoying person as ever. He has no leadership skills. "The printouts. Send it to me."

"Later, Honey. I am still sick." He replied.

"But you can still post a childish photo of you in your account. I'll ask someone to get it to your house. Address. Now!"

I have a soft copy, but I have handwritten notes on that printouts. Irresponsible person. If he wants to fail, better not drag me to his stupidity.

"You look so mad. What happened? Fight with Enzo?" Here comes his grandmother Reese.

Inhale. Exhale.
You can do this, Honey.

"Nothing, mom." I tried to talk sweetly but I sucked at it.

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