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After handling I came back and handled Nails and Adelita. we had talked out our issues and I told them both that if they ever do the shit they had done to me again. then I was fully leaving never to come back. that it'd be like I just vanished from earth. 

Both of them made countless promises of how they are gonna straighten up and how they won't put the club over me. 

Angel promised that he'd never cheat on me again and that despite the number of times he says he is sorry, he knows that the word alone won't fix or change anything. and that his actions will speak better volumes than his words.

I had told them that know how important the club is to them and how there are times when they will be very busy handling matters for the club. But the fact that even when club business was handled and things were slow there. that they chose to stay there and not come spend time with me or anything was my issue.

Now here we are at the justice of the peace. making a very big important vowel and commitment to each other. 

After the officiator said you may kiss the bride both Ez and Angel littered my face with kisses making me giggle before pulling back.

I smiled before giving them both a proper kiss.

After marrying them we headed out with Felipe to celebrate with a little reception dinner before we headed home and consummated our marriage. 

the endless pleasure and love making filled our night greatly. when I wasn't sucking Ez's cock I was sucking Angel's while the other was fucking my pussy as if they owned her.

and when I wasn't blowing them they were fucking both my holes so damn good I was a crying orgasmic mess.

I was crying their names as they pleasured my pussy and fucked my ass. and they cried mine when I'd ride their cocks and swallow their cum.

we christened the whole house and outside as well.

We marked each other's bodies showcasing the pleasure and grand feeling that we felt. 

We hardly took long breaks from making love or just fucking. we craved each other too much to wait for our breathing to slow back to normal.

When we fell asleep both Ez and Angel were sucking on my breast while I was holding their cocks in my hand.

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