I'm a Warrior

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Devyn glared at his breakfast of sausage and fried eggs. He wasn't so much as angry about the flavor. In fact it was quite delicious. His anger stemmed towards Wayne, who sat at the opposite side of the table. Devyn was annoyed Wayne had gone galavanting around town during the night. He hadn't spoken a single word to him since they had gotten into an argument over Wayne's shopping trip. In his mind his brother had lied about waiting until the morning. Though Wayne explained that he had followed a group of thieves to their hideout, then decided to search for the magic shops in town. Devyn didn't believe Wayne, he knew better. Wayne had planned on going out that night by himself whether he had seen the thieves or not.

"How long are you going to be angry with me?" Wayne asked as he took a bite of a sausage.

"As long as I wish to be," Devyn grumbled and stabbed his fork into his last sausage.

Wayne frowned, he didn't think Devyn would be so annoyed that he had gone out. Devyn could be a little overprotective but Wayne didn't realize he had betrayed his brother's trust by going out alone.

"I'll be going to check out the magic shops today. Alone. You go get some rest. I need some time to myself anyway," Devyn said as they finished their meals.

"I can come along. I'm not all that tired," Wayne lied, he was exhausted. After a full night of running around town he could use the sleep.

"No. You look like hell. Go get some rest. I'll be back later this afternoon," Devyn replied.

Wayne sighed, perhaps his brother was right. Besides, when Devyn was annoyed with him it was best to give him his space. Wayne left their payment for breakfast on the table and started heading for their room while Devyn left the tavern.

Devyn stepped out into the cobblestone street. A few people were walking along it's path, some heading to the docks to buy fish for their market stalls. Devyn went the opposite way, heading towards the market district.He noticed the snowstorm had let up. He was glad he told Wayne to stay put, the sun was starting to peek through the clouds.  Wayne had already told him he searched a shop called The Bubbling Cauldron. So he quickly passed that one as a group of guards stood outside the door speaking with the owner. Devyn could only grin as he thought of his brother's midnight burglary.

He made his way to the shop Wayne had recommended next on the list, The Magic Box. The building was built in between two other buildings. One was a bookstore, the other was an ink and scroll shop. As he stepped inside The Magic Box he wrinkled his nose at the odd smell. Spell ingredients hung from the walls and lined the shelves. A few magic items were in cases in the middle of the room. An elderly man wearing a blue and green robe sat behind the counter.

"Welcome, have a look around. Any questions just ask. My name is Richard," Richard announced as the door closed.

"I was wondering if you might have an amulet? One with a ruby in the shape of a fang. I was informed one might be found here in FrostHold," Devyn asked as he walked to the counter.

Richard's wrinkled face scrunched together as he tried to recall whether or not he had seen the amulet. "I'm afraid I haven't seen one like that around here."

Devyn sighed and began looking around. Even if the shopkeeper hadn't seen the amulet, it would still be beneficial to look around.

"I'm curious about that gourd you where on your belt. Is it by chance magical?" Richard asked.

" Yes it is. I recently acquired it from a friend," Devyn replied as he noticed a cloak  in one of the cases.

"Interested in selling it?" Richard asked with a slight glint in his eye.

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