Eighteen-Initiation Offers 5.5

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We begin the fights and explain the rules. One boy quits straight away and I tell him how many points he just lost for his cowardice. I explain thoroughly how he's plummeted down substantially in the rankings and where he would've been had he just continued. Not another initiate does the same. They fight well doing chokeholds or knock outs—where it's absolutely evident who the winner is. Eric and I discuss each fight afterwards explaining successful moves and advise about correcting mistakes. We continue on with lessons between fight days but they're all showing improvement. Even our quitter is dedicated in climbing back up and clearly learning from his mistakes.
War games are upon us and Eric and I decide which trainers are on who's team so there's no problems while we're out. Ryan heads the other and Four seems irritated but he's clearly outranked. We're both assistants to the heads and he settles for that. We take the train down to Erudite and select our teams. Many members join us and I'm happy when I get a team similar to last year with Christina, Uriah, and Marlene. Ryan and Four jump off first with their team and we get off further down the line near the Navy Pier. Of course my team chooses it again. They want to hide our flag in the house of mirrors and I nod that inside a building is a good strategy. Freddy suggests that we climb the Ferris Wheel to scout for the other team. I agree but warn them that some of the rungs are weak and fall off—to make sure each hold is secure.
"How do you know that?" Eric asks me as we lead our search group there.
"Because I had the same idea last year and I came up with the plan," I shrug.
"Your rank should've been higher," Eric tells me.
"I know. Once I read the rules this year, it seemed like he wasn't following them last year at all," I reply.
"Leadership will post the ranks for each stage from now on," he insists.
"I agree," I nod.
We let Freddy take the lead since it's his idea.  A few rungs break but everyone is fine thanks to the warning and testing each hold first.  Freddy points out Ryan's team in the distance, just beyond the Pier in an abandoned building.  I see it and nod to Eric.  We all climb down cautiously. 
"Wait," Sally says—the small Candor girl who bumped her head at the net.  We pause and surrender our attention to her.  "Maybe we should put up a decoy with our glow sticks."  She waves her light attached to her jacket. 
"I like this," Eric grins nodding. 
"Where?" I ask her trying to move this along. 
"How about there on the carrousel?" she suggests. 
"We should tie some together, make it look like a flag from the distance," Cain suggests. 
Eric and I share a glance, smirking at each other. 
"Do it," Eric says. 
As Cain ties several lights together with Sally's hair tie, he volunteers to stay to make it seem more believable.  Eric decides who will stay—leaving Uriah, Christina, and Marlene with several initiates—while the rest of us press on. 
Eric and I help our team take out their outside defense and back them up to climb the building.  We move stealthily through the office building—old fashioned cubicles, similar to those in Abnegation headquarters are spread across the space.  It's almost like a maze and we proceed cautiously.  Random initiates pop out and we take them out quickly with one shot each, dodging the incoming paintballs.  We lose a few team members but press on to the prize on the next floor.  The stairwell has a fire battle where I actually take out Ryan.  Eric gives me a proud look but there's no time to celebrate yet.  We pass the defeated competition and Ryan actually pats me on the back as we move by.  The door is propped open and Sally peeks inside.  There's a round of shots fired at us.  We decide to send in a decoy, using someone's jacket and stuffing it with others'.  We put my hat at the top and move our decoy into place, peeking around the doorway.  It gets splattered with several shots.  We remove it and turn it around.  I hear clicks and we rush whoever is left shooting them up.  Eric is the one to take out Four and I push a lower ranked initiate to grab the flag. 
I turn around to celebrate when I see paint splattered on Eric's chest right where the tattoo of my name is.  "I sacrificed myself for you," he shrugs in answer to my unvoiced question. 
"Who got you?" I inquire. 
"Four," he admits.  "We shot each other at the same time but he was aiming for you."
"So sweet," I say softly reaching for him.  I kiss him in front of the initiates and they cheer for us. 
We find out as we take the train back that our decoy worked for Lauren and Tori's squad and nobody even approached the hall of mirrors. The initiates whose ideas it was are receiving several points for such a successful strategy.  On the ride back, I notice Eric seems really excited, far more than I've ever seen.  I know he's very competitive and he loves to win.  We sit together, me between his legs with my head leaned back against his chest.  He kisses my temple and wraps his arms around my chest as we ride the train home.
The next day at knife throwing goes well.  We put the transfers and Dauntless-born together for this.  Those making mistakes get assistance quickly—from the trainers and their friends.  The camaraderie is inspiring and even Eric is impressed by it.  The final fights of stage one are completed and leadership posts the current ranks.  Everyone has enough points so far to stay but they need to be doubled by the next two stages. 
Visiting Day arrives and most everyone's parents come... but the few that don't have friends to spend time with.  There are none moping about like Al did last year and I'm glad.  My parents actually show up to see me later in the day, saying that Caleb came to see them this year.  I'm touched.  I introduce them to Eric... but somehow they already know him.  My mom pulls me aside while my dad and Eric talk.  Dad is actually smiling and shaking his hand. 
"Are you safe with him?" she whispers to me. 
"I am," I nod.  "He's nothing like her."
She sighs in relief, "I'm so glad.  I honestly liked Eric growing up."
"How do you know him?" I question. 
She frowns sadly at me, "There was an incident when you were little.  A serum was administered to you by Erudite at school without our consent.  You've forgotten."
I blink confused. 
"Maybe someday, I can explain," she tells me as someone approaches. 
"Natalie Prior.  I'm surprised to see you here," Jeanine Matthews says as she joins us. 
A cold chill rushes through my spine at hearing her voice. I know I pale as she joins us.
"It's Visiting Day.  I'm here to see my daughter," my mother replies kindly.
Jeanine forces a smile and looks to me.  "It would seem that you'll be replacing Jude shortly," she says. 
"Really?" my mother asks surprised. 
"It's true.  It hasn't been announced to the faction yet.  I'll begin my training after initiation commencement," I reply. 
Jeanine grins at that.  So does my mother actually. 
"I would like to speak with both you and Eric, if you don't mind," Jeanine says. 
"Alright," I respond surprised. 
"It's okay.  Why don't you say goodbye to your father? We must be going soon," my mom tells me. 
I nod and she speaks with Jeanine while I do as she asks.  He's still speaking with Eric. 
"Jeanine is here and wishes to speak with us," I explain to Eric. 
"She is?" he questions looking around. 
I nod.  I say goodbye to my father and tell him we should all get together at the same place next year so we have more time.  He smiles at that and nods knowing we're being watched. 
My parents leave and we meet with Jeanine privately.  She explains about her plans and asks if I'm onboard.  I feel kind of cornered about it. 
"I'll talk with her more," Eric insists. 
"That'll have to do," Jeanine says and leaves. 
Eric takes my hand and squeezes, letting me know that I probably shouldn't say anything.  We'll talk in private later...

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