Hook lives on

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{( Flora )}
The death of my father was hard on my mother, and his crew. they looked up to him. As for me? I've never seen much of him to miss him. he only came around on certain occasions.
For example, my birthday.

But I haven't aged much because of where I was born, so my father hasn't come around a lot. Neverland normally kept you young, but i grew until my 15th birthday. i had dark hair like my father, but blue eyes like my mother.

And the same hate for Peter Pan as my father did. I may not have had a close relationship with my father, but i did have a close relationship with my mother. and seeing her destroy herself, i couldn't handle it.

So now here i am, on the Jolly Roger, redeeming my fathers life, and putting my mother's sadness at ease.

"Smitty." i barked at the old man to my left, his head practically bald, the only hairs left on his chin. his red cap hung loosely around his head, and his stripped shirt barely fit him anymore. his ripped shorts stopped a foot above his sandals, and his voice came out hesitant. "Yes, Captain?" Smitty took a small step closer to me, as i looked towards the island.

"We're close. pull up to shore." i commanded, grabbing my sword from atop the barrel, and sliding it into its holster around my waist, "Man your stations! We're going to shore!" I shouted, sending the lazy crew members flying across the deck to their stations.

I looked up to the sky, noticing the grey that spoke of a possible rain. "Keep a sharp eye." i growled, hopping over the side as the Jolly Rodger bumped against the sand. i landed perfectly on the ground, and did a quick look around as a group of my men, including Smitty, climbed down the ropes. "there's too many men. all we're doing is finding the Lost Boys' new hideaway, and marking it on this map."

I pulled out the map of Neverland i had been studying for years, and stashed it back in my coat. "so only Smitty is coming. the rest of you guard the ship." i ordered, turning on my heel heading further up shore. "Captain? Are you sure we'll be okay with only the two of us?" Smitty asked, fallowing close behind.

"Of course i'm sure. Pan doesn't know who i am, and the only thing he thinks he knows about you is you've quit the pirate business. if we find him, i am you're niece and you are my uncle. understood?" Smitty nodded his head furiously, as i swatted a branch out of my way, and continued forward.


Sunset was upon us as we made it to the middle of the island, "alright, let's camp out here." i kicked a bunch of leaves out of the way, and Smitty started clearing the ground. "while you clean the mess up i will go get some fire wood." i stated, sliding the map into my coat again.

"And Smitty, don't do anything reckless." i sighed, before continuing my walk for fire wood.

The ground was still a bright green and the trees were covered with moss, as i began picking up twigs. "we shouldn't need much, the leaves will supply excellent fuel. we only need something to get the fire started." i thought to myself, grabbing a few more sticks.

Eventually i had an armful, all rather big for sticks, but well enough to start a fire, and enough left over to supply as momentary fuel. "and... i saw a few berry bushes by our ground... It won't be a regular meal we would have, but it would be enough to get us through." I sighed looking around for more twigs. "and there was a small stream nearby, i could weave a pot out of the thin bark of the trees and boil the water with that..." i continued making a small checking list, as i started heading back to the clearing.

However, the sticks had a different plan. the pile was a bit too high, and i tripped over a log i had trouble getting over on the way here, and there went all my hard work. i groaned, and hit the ground with my fist. "You're kidding." i growled, sliding down the log, and landing on the ground.

"Hey Lady." A voice from up above called to me, i presume, and i looked up. to find the face of a boy. his blonde curls stretched just above his eyebrows, and his blue-green eyes twinkled like stars. his attire showed his chest, but his shorts were covered with leaves, as to blend in. a small knife rested in his hand, almost out of sight. "yes?" I replied.

"Are you okay?" The boy asked, landing on the floor. "i am perfectly fine, thank you." i smiled, and turned on my heel, and started to pick up all my fallen sticks.

"Are you sure? You took a nice fall. you even scraped your arm." he pointed to the cut that ran along my forearm, that was oozing blood. "just a small scratch. no harm done." i replied, pulling my sleeve down. the boy only laughed, "oh yea, you seem just fine..." He paused, then looked me up and down. "i like you, what's your name lady?" He asked, picking up three sticks, and handing them to me.

"Flora Burn Ho..... Flora Burn." i coughed, snatching the sticks from his hands. "cool name, but not as cool and legendary as Peter Pan." the boy crossed his arms. "you? Your Peter Pan?" I chuckled. "what's so funny?" The boy scowled. "that a small boy such as yourself would dare call yourself Peter Pan. and if you were, you aren't what i was expecting."

"I am not that young. I've grown shortly since i killed that no good Captain Hook. I'm age 16. still a boy, not a man. and you don't look that old either, so who are you to talk?" The boy scoffed. "i know i am more mature than you. all you're stories prove that." i countered.

"My stories? Would you tell me one?" Peter asked. he lifted his legs off the ground and crossed them, so he was floating in the air. "well... i would, but i must get back to my uncle." i lied.

"Oh, doing a small trip of Neverland? I could be a tour guide if you want. i know this place like the back of my hand."

I smiled, "really? Okay say you come to the clearing and meet my uncle and i at around noon? We'd be awake and fully rested by then." I picked up three more sticks as Peter thought.

"Very well, i will be 'tour guide Peter.' And take you and your uncle around the island. maybe even show the hideaway of the lost boys and me. deal?" He asked, sticking out his hand. "deal." i grinned, shaking his hand, all the while planning his kidnapping.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2015 ⏰

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