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Nick stands in front of me with bags of groceries surrounding him. I raise my brows, wondering what in the world he could be attempting to cook. He pulls out a tomato as explanation.

I shake my head in confusion. "Not really helping me."

"We're having a celebration dinner!"

George scoffs from the bar stool as he continues to scroll through his phone. "What are you even celebrating?"

"Excuse me, George." Nick rolls his eyes. "y/n has been living here for a whole month."

"And what an accomplishment for them, right?" George asks sarcastically.

I do a double take, doing the math in my head. It really had been just a month since I started living here. We've settled into such a rythym that it's felt like I've lived here forver.

Just like the night the guys asked me to move in, we've made pancakes every Saturday. At first it was more of a thank you for letting me stay here, but then they started getting excited for Saturday because it meant pancakes. I guess that's how traditions are born.

Clay figured out his bathroom schedule on his own. Although I don't think he understands that attempting to secretly go number two every night at one in the morning hasn't gone unnoticed by me. I personally don't want to bring it up.

I'm usually the first one to wake up. I can get some work done by coding some things early in the morning before chaos insues with the boys waking up. I sit at my desk with my new PC that I finally let Clay buy for me. Once Clay or Nick wakes up, I'll usually move to either of their rooms with my laptop.

With this being a month since I moved in, it also means that Clay and Natalie have been dating for a month. It hurts; I won't lie. I can tell he's happy and excited to hang out with her. I'll avoid his room when he's on the phone with her or making plans. That usually makes it better. It makes the fact that he's not with me a little more manageable.

Nick sets the tomato on the counter. "George, you are exhausting." He makes his way into the living room, and I can hear him plop onto the couch. "The chef will be taking a power nap until it's time to cook."

George glances up at me. "Are we really going to be trusting his cooking?"

I roll my eyes. "You know, Nick's right. You are exhausting."

"I mean,"- he puts his hands up in defense- "I never got a one month celebration dinner."

"Because you act like this!" Nick calls in the living room.

"I thought you were taking a nap?" George asks.

"Shut up!"

"Nick pouting again?" a new voice from behind asks.

My heart responds to the question first. It feels as if it's trying to escape my chest and run to him. I turn to see Clay smiling in the corner of the kitchen.

"Yes, I apparently didn't respond correctly to his celebration dinner idea." George tattles like a little kid.

"Celebration dinner?" Clay asks. "For what?"

"y/n's lived here for a whole month!" Nick, who can apparently hear our conversation, yells from the living room.

"Oh really?" Clay's eyes land on me now, and I can feel my bones melt under his sight.

"Really," George confirms bitterly.

"George is mad he didn't get a dinner," I explain to Clay, who responds with a quiet 'ohhh'.

saturday mornings are for pancakes // a dream x reader fanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now