Season 4 Episode 1:Lazarus Rising

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Robin froze. No, not a chance, how was this possible? Four months ago, she had watched Dean Winchester get ripped apart by hellhounds and dragged to the pit. Yet, here he stood in front of her, not a scratch on him. Bullshit!

She reached for her belt holster, slowly. Maybe he thought it was a gun, because the next thing Robin saw, was Dean hitting the deck, literally. He dove for the balcony to get out of the line of fire. "Robin it's me" he shouted from his back.

"Then hold still" she snarled, as she thwarted his arms, up in a defensive position. Realizing what she was trying to do, his breath slowed and he put out his arm. She pressed the smooth part of the silver blade against his skin. Silver was a substance that several supernatural creatures would have adverse reactions to. Dean however, didn't even flinch.

"Like I said," he smiled at her, "Surprise". He put his hand up requesting assistance getting to his feet.

She ignored his request and instead ordered, "Show me your tat".

He pulled down his shirt to reveal his Demon warding tattoo. She examined it, looking for even the slightest mar, that could render it useless. It was perfect, completely intact. 

"Geeze Singer" he grinned, "guy's been in Hell, first thing you do is get up close and ask him to expose himself. I've seen movies that start like this".

She reached down to assist him getting to his feet and cocked an eyebrow, "I'd hug you, but I don't want you to think you got anywhere with that bullshit line".

He chuckled to himself. Regardless of what she said, she did hug him. She thought she would never see him again, she had to hug him to know this was real. He hugged back, it was apparent something had changed in him. They'd been friends for decades, they had hugged before, but there was a desperation in the way Dean hugged her. Looking for some sort of human comfort? missing a friend? She wasn't sure, but he was different. 

Bobby was starting to sober up from his bender the night before. They had become far more common since Dean had gone, he didn't handle the loss well. He had a black cup of coffee in his hand, that he promptly dropped when he spotted Dean.  "ROBIN MOVE" he shouted! Having been the one to raise and train Robin, Bobby started to mimic her first move, brandishing his own silver blade. 

"Dad" Robin told him, "I did that already, I checked his tattoo as well, completely intact".

Bobby approached and splashed him in the face with Holy water.

"Really" Dean asked?

"Can't be too careful" Bobby nodded, before he rushed the man with a bear hug.  Just like with Robin, Dean seemed to take in the affection of the hug as long as was appropriate. 

Dean seemed genuinely happy, until he asked, "Where's Sammy"?

It was no shock this was his next question, But Robin knew he wasn't going to like what he heard. "Your guess is as good as mine" she shrugged.

The warm smile turned to a slightly more familiar look from Dean, anger. "You let him go", he  demanded?

"Well last time I saw him he was screaming at me" Robin replied defensively, "so you'll have to excuse me if I didn't beg him to stay".

"Why was he screaming at you", Dean asked, his anger reduced slightly, but just slightly?

Robin and Sam had set off on the same mission about four months ago, to get Dean back. The problem was the two had very different approaches. "For about a month, we'd been researching all these different methods to bring you back. Most of mine required trial and error, but it was safe. Meanwhile he wanted to dig deeper, for a quicker result". She sighed "I'm sorry, but I figured you would have been pissed if we did something stupid".

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