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Caitlin looked around her room. She was sure that she had heard someone call her name. She looked around and scoffed at herself, I'm so stupid she thought, who's going to remember me and call my name, the one that I thought loved me and who promised me the world, didn't think twice about leaving me. Caitlin tried not to think about that time when they were in love, or the day that everything had ended. She remembered how she called after Barry, but he had just walked away, breaking her heart. She tried not to think about it, seeing as it brought her nothing but pain. She just wanted to meet Barry once and ask him once why? Why had he done it? She wouldn't have cared, but he had been the one to pursue her and convince her that everything would be okay and that he would fight for her no matter what, that he would always stand with her, no matter what and that he was always with her

"But you weren't Barry, were you?, she whispered, as a tear rolled down her eye

She quickly wiped the tear away, and quickly gathered up her things. She couldn't be late. Everyone was relying on her. She had worked really hard on this and couldn't let anyone or herself down. She quickly ran downstairs and ran towards the door

"Hurry up, we are going to be late"

"Sorry mum. I didn't realise the time"

"I've read the brief, but I want to know a few things"

"Mum, we don't have time. We have to go. Fortunately the place is not far. We can walk and talk"

Caitlin and her mum picked up the bags and ran out of the house, slamming the door shut

"So the brief was quite simple. It didn't tell me anything really. Just a few basic things. So, can you please enlighten me?"

"It's simple mum. There is a big party tonight, for some rich people. We got the contract to organise the party, and everything with it. I have told everyone what to do, but I would like to be the first one there, seeing as I'm in charge. Now quick mum, let's go"

Caitlin entered the building and sighed. She was glad that she was the first one there, as it would have looked unprofessional if she wasn't. She quickly looked around the building as her team arrived. She gathered everyone up 

"Hello guys. So this is the building where we are organising the party. As you can see, it's quite large. Now we've got a bit of time before everyone arrives, and seeing as I briefed you all yesterday in the office, all that's left for me to say is good luck. Let's put on a party that they will remember for ages. Now go, go, go"

Caitlin walked around the building, supervising everything and helping out when someone needed a pair of hands

"It's a beautiful building, isn't it?"

Caitlin turned to look at her mum

"It's amazing. It looks like a castle. It's so beautiful. Do you know I always dreamed that one day I could afford a castle and live in one? But that's what it was, a dream. Real life doesn't work like that"


"It's okay mum. I'm fine. I've always been independent, but now life has taught me that you can't rely on anyone else. They just play with your feelings and leave you alone"


"Mum, it's almost time for the party to start. I have to go and oversee everything. Please excuse me. And mum, don't worry. I'm fine", said Caitlin rushing off

"But you are not fine Caitlin. I know it, even if you refuse to admit it to yourself. I know how much you loved him, and that deep down you still do"

Caitlin and her team, watched from the side, as everyone started to arrive

"Wow, everyone has gone all out", said one of her staff

"Right everyone, we have to disappear while the party is happening. But we still have to be on call if something happens. Let's all go relax in the back office"

Caitlin turned to go, when she stopped. She felt a chill in the air, and felt like someone was watching her. She quickly shook her head and went into the back to relax

"I'm so silly", she thought to herself, "these are the rich class. Who's going to look for me at this party? No one here knows who I am"

Duff, duff, duff. They are so close, will they meet? As always, feedback appreciated 

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