Season 4 Episode 2: Are You there God? It's me Dean Winchester

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Robin could hear the boys arguing in the other room. They were officially back, because they were officially getting on her last nerve. She was preoccupied with the phone calls she was making. There had been some attacks on local hunters as of late, she was trying to reach out, thus far it wasn't going well. When the decibel level of the argument had become too much to continue, she decided to take a break and walked past the bickering siblings to get to the kitchen.

"What about you Robin" Sam asked, looking for her to back him up. "you saw this guy, do you think he's an angel"?

"Robin is not a reliable source in this" Dean snapped bitterly.

"What the hell does that mean" she snapped back?

"You were gazing into those baby blues" Dean told her, as if he were embarrassed by her actions. "You would have bought anything this guy was selling".

She glared at him, "I was gazing at his eyes" she asked, her tone dripping with resentment? "You mean when he restored my vision? The first thing I saw? It was as his eyes. I wasn't falling into a sea of blue" she said putting the back of her hand to her forehead as if to swoon. "I was thinking, Holy shit, I can see".

"Yeah and a Demon could do that" Dean told her.

"But they wouldn't" she argued. "Tell me Dean, a demon yank you out of hell"?

"Maybe" Dean snapped back.

She pursed her lips and shook her head, "Demons can barely get themselves out" she told him, "they don't have the juice".

"What else could do that Bobby" Dean asked, looking for his own backup?

"As far as I know" Bobby shrugged, "nothing".

"What's more Dean Winchester" Robin snarled, placng emphasis on his last name, "I'm not some dewy eyed school girl who melts for some rando. I'm a fucking hunter and I'm fucking good at it. Now you two bickering princesses wanna shut the fuck up? I'm trying to use the phone". With these words she stormed out and went back to the other room, leaving the boys in the wake of her angry tirade.

Robin had been at it for hours. One hunter in particular hadn't responded in days and was sticking out like a sore thumb, Olivia Lowery. She'd gone on a couple of hunts with the Singers as of late. Honestly seemed like she and Bobby were getting a little cozy, so not being able to reach her was a little unnerving. She walked into the library to break the news to her father. He was in the midst of shouting at whoever was on the other end.

"Know what, I hope whatever it is getting hunters finds you, you sorry sack of crap" he shouted into the phone and slammed it down.

"So" she shrugged, "How's Rufus"?

"What an Asshole" he shook his head.

"Probably why you worked well with him" Robin nodded, cocking an eyebrow at her father. "You are a big fan of calling people on their shit".

"How are your calls going" he asked ignoring her statement?

"I actually came to talk to you about that" she nodded, her expression turning to concern, "I can't get Olivia".

"It's been four days" Bobby replied, matching her emotion.

"I'm aware dad" she told him, adding sarcastically, "I can recite her outgoing".

"We should probably go check on her" Bobby nodded, a little hurried.

"I'll load up the car" Robin nodded, heading to, shat her father called his game room.

"I'll help" Dean volunteered, looking up from the books on angel lore, "my eyes are swimming".

Having not spoken since the outburst, she'd almost forgotten the oldest Winchester was there.

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