Chapter 36: Lose to Win

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Lose to Win

Lose to Win

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"Damn," I say as I see all the dust in the air as Clint and I come to a stop.

"What do you got, Stark?" I hear Steve say through the comms.

"Huh? Nothing great," Tony responds and Clint and I glance at each other, "Maybe a way to blow up the city. That'll keep it from impacting the surface, if you guys can get clear."

"Shit," Clint say lightly.

"I asked for a solution, not an escape plan," Steve says.

Clint and I continue running as Tony talks. "Impact radius is getting bigger every second," Tony says, "We're gonna have to make a choice."

The talking between Tony and Steve then stop. "We need to figure out a way to save them," I say to Clint.

"I'm gonna be honest, I don't know how," Clint responds.

I then suddenly come to a stop as I look into the distance. "Evalina?" Clint says coming to a stop, "Everything okay?"

"I guess we might me alright," I say as I nod to what I am looking at. Clint turn around and I see a smile appears on his face.

"Hell yeah," Clint says as he sees the Hellicarier I was looking at.

"Let's go," I say as we walk inside a building to see a bunch of civilians.

"Alright. Here we go. Here we go. Let's move," Clint says as we make our way to the front to guide people onto the lifeboat and meet up with Wanda.

"Avengers, time to work for a living," Tony says in the comms.

Clint and I look at each other before nodding and running towards the core with Wanda. "Romanoff," Tony says through the comms catching my attention, "You and Devin better not be playing would you rather sexy edition."

My eyes go slightly wide at his words and Wanda and Clint look at me. "Relax, Shellhead. Not all of us can fly," Natasha responds.

We soon make it to the core and I quickly take out a robot before entering the area. "What's the drill?" I hear Natasha ask as she jogs in.

"This is the drill," Tony says gesturing towards the core, "If Ultron gets a hand on the core, we lose."

I hear Hulk enter and everyone turns when Ultron come into our vision. "Is that the best you can do?" Thor shouts at him.

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