E.D. Chapter IV: Awakening Gift

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Previously on the Demon Slayer Story...

Gyutaro: 'Scales!? What the hell is he!?'

Y/N then stare at him revealing his own fangs and a few scales on his cheeks like a armored skin but more importantly, a very angry dragon.

U/N: Grinned. Not this night!

And so then, the true battle of the unspeakable battle since the age of dragons has now begin.

The scene then faded to black. We now see Gyutaro facing Y/N who has dragon scales on him.

Gyutaro: 'Just how did he even got those scales? He isn't human that's for sure.-'

His thought was cut off by Y/N hitting him to the face and like Daki, he flew across but he crash to a near building. After that, Y/N look at his arm and notice the scales on his arm.

Y/N: 'Scales? What just happened? Feels like my strength's been enhanced.-'

Suddenly through his instinct, he dodges a belt coming after him revealing Daki who's mad and attacks him.

Daki: I can't believe I got hit by an ugly freak like you!

She throws another belt at him but he dodges it again, this time he grabbed the belt holding it.

Daki: Pfft hahaha! You'll just cut your fingers off like that!

She tries to pull her belts to cut his fingers but Y/Ns grip was so strong for her to pull.

Daki: Let go you freak!

Gyutaro: Hold him there! I'm gonna kill him slowly and painful!

Gyutaro charges at Y/N but he pulls the belt and swings Daki directly towards to her brother.

Daki: AAAARGH! He's starting to get so annoying- huh?

She see Y/N still holding her belts where he grinn as he pulls it again throwing her away. After that, he grabs his swords and face Gyutaro once again.

Gyutaro: Growl. You bastard!

He throws a slash at Y/N but he then yeets it like it was nothing where the slash hits the near building.

He throws a slash at Y/N but he then yeets it like it was nothing where the slash hits the near building

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Y/N: Time for a rematch...

Gyutaro: Still acting tough huh? Bring it!

Y/N & Gyutaro: AAAAAARGH!!

They both charges at each other as Gyutaro throws his blood slashes towards him before their weapons started clash at each other.

They both charges at each other as Gyutaro throws his blood slashes towards him before their weapons started clash at each other

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Demon Slayer: The Dragon Breather//malereader (On Hold.)Where stories live. Discover now